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Francesco Pongiluppi willywongi

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willywongi / object-extras.js
Created December 29, 2011 14:02
Return a new object from an array of key/value pairs
* Return a new object from an array of key/value pairs.
* Inspired by the "dict" constructor in python.
* @method dict
* @param {Array} arr An array of key/value pairs.
* @return {Object} A new object
* @static
Y.namespace('Object').dict = function(arr) {
willywongi / entity.js
Created October 26, 2011 08:04
My own way of playing with the Y.App framework.
/* global YUI=true */
/* Note: the "png" prefix you're seeing through this file is just my own
namespace. No reference to the Portable Network Graphic intended. */
YUI.add('png-entity', function(Y) {
The ContainmentUnit's purposes are: creating Entity extensions, store them and handle
the relations between them.
@class ContainmentUnit
willywongi / conan.js
Created March 29, 2011 13:36
arbitrary arguments length object constructor, in Javascript
function CONAN(cls) {
/* Arbitrary Number of Arguments Object Constructor,
but everyone calls him
CONAN takes a Object Constructor and adds a static method named "build", whose only
argument is an array that get passed to the Constructor with an apply.
var _helper = function(s) {
cls.apply(this, s);
/* Python(ish) string formatting:
* >>> format('{0}', ['zzz'])
* "zzz"
* >>> format('{x}', {x: 1})
* "1"
var format = (function() {
var re = /\{([^}]+)\}/g;
return function(s, args) {
return s.replace(re, function(_, match){ return args[match]; });
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<title>Checkbox personalizzate</title>
#custom_checkbox input[type=checkbox] { display: none; }
#custom_checkbox label { padding-left: 20px; background-position: 0px center;
background-repeat: no-repeat; cursor: pointer; }