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Barkin Simsek woswos

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woswos /
Created November 22, 2020 10:27 — forked from khornberg/
python 3 base64 encode dict
Given a dictionary, transform it to a string. Then byte encode that string. Then base64 encode it and since this will go
on a url, use the urlsafe version. Then decode the byte string so that it can be else where.
data = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(json.dumps({'a': 123}).encode()).decode()
# And the decode is just as simple...
data = json.loads(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(query_param.encode()).decode())
# Byte encode the string, base64 decode that, then byte decode, finally transform it to a dictionary

Steam Client on APFS Case Sensitive Mac OS Drive

If you are using APFS Case Sensitive File system and trying to use Steam, it will flicker & silently fail or show the following error message:

steam requires that '~/library/application support/steam/steam.appbundle/steam/contents/macos' be on a case-insensitive filesystem.

To fix the issue, follow the instruction here.

Run from your user account, NOT ROOT!