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Eating Ice cube sandwich

xMaxrayx xmaxrayx

Eating Ice cube sandwich
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xmaxrayx /
Created April 2, 2023 11:06 — forked from blackcater/
Markdown Diagrams


Markdown Preview Enhanced supports rendering flow charts, sequence diagrams, mermaid, PlantUML, WaveDrom, GraphViz, Vega & Vega-lite, Ditaa diagrams. You can also render TikZ, Python Matplotlib, Plotly and all sorts of other graphs and diagrams by using Code Chunk.

Please note that some diagrams don't work well with file exports such as PDF, pandoc, etc.

Flow Charts

This feature is powered by flowchart.js.

xmaxrayx / removeNewline.ahk
Created May 29, 2023 03:36 — forked from 0x4a/removeNewline.ahk
remove newline character from #clipboard #work #string #ahk
; remove newline characters
; Win + X
Send ^x
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard,`r`n,, All
Send ^v

Aligning images

left alignment

This is the code you need to align images to the left:

xmaxrayx / Elevate.ahk
Created June 10, 2023 17:41 — forked from anonymous1184/Elevate.ahk
Elevate() / ElevateWait()
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
; Version: 2023.06.09.2
; Usage and examples:
Elevate(Target, WorkingDir := "", Options := "", &OutputVarPID := 0) {
return Elevate_(false, Target, WorkingDir, Options, &OutputVarPID)

Commit Message Guidelines

Short (72 chars or less) summary

More detailed explanatory text. Wrap it to 72 characters. The blank
line separating the summary from the body is critical (unless you omit
the body entirely).

Write your commit message in the imperative: "Fix bug" and not "Fixed
bug" or "Fixes bug." This convention matches up with commit messages
xmaxrayx /
Created April 7, 2024 21:03 — forked from turbo/
Git Commit Message Standard

Merged from and

General Rules

  • Commit messages must have a subject line and may have body copy. These must be separated by a blank line.
  • The subject line must not exceed 50 characters
  • The subject line should be capitalized and must not end in a period
  • The subject line must be written in imperative mood (Fix, not Fixed / Fixes etc.)
  • The body copy must be wrapped at 72 columns
  • The body copy must only contain explanations as to what and why, never how. The latter belongs in documentation and implementation.
xmaxrayx / ActiveYouTubeURLFormats.txt
Created May 8, 2024 08:29 — forked from rodrigoborgesdeoliveira/ActiveYouTubeURLFormats.txt
Example of the YouTube videos URL formats

Why this gist needs?

Autohotkey library supports DllCall() and it can call dll with standard decl feature of c dll. However, typical c# library runs on IL and cannot be called from autohotkey. To support standard dll call, DllExport package is required in Visual Studio.

Step by step

1. Create C# .Net framework library project in Visual studio


2. Set projectName

The name will be automatically set to the namespace. image