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Xuan xuan-cao-swi

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Pry Cheat Sheet

Command Line

  • pry -r ./config/app_init_file.rb - load your app into a pry session (look at the file loaded by
  • pry -r ./config/environment.rb - load your rails into a pry session


xuan-cao-swi /
Created December 13, 2023 17:09
Testing lambda instrumentation with lambda layer

Lambda Instrumentation and Layer Test Environment Setup

This guide outlines detailed steps for setting up a test environment to evaluate both Lambda instrumentation (PR) and the Lambda layer (PR) for OpenTelemetry.

Step 1: Creating the Lambda Layer

  1. Clone the repository using the ruby-layer-wrapper branch from this location. This branch contains the wrapper file absent in the original PR.
  2. Navigate to ruby/src/ and execute sam build -u -t template.yml. This action generates the .aws-sam folder. Finally, run the script ./ -n <your_layer_name> to create the zip file suitable for upload to AWS Lambda via the AWS console.
  3. If using a different tracing platform, ensure its installation before creating the layers.
  4. The gems listed in ruby/layer/Gemfile a