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Yucheng Zhao yuzhms

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yuzhms /
Created July 24, 2024 03:24 — forked from padeoe/
CLI-Tool for download Huggingface models and datasets with aria2/wget+git

🤗Huggingface Model Downloader

Considering the lack of multi-threaded download support in the official huggingface-cli, and the inadequate error handling in hf_transfer, this command-line tool smartly utilizes wget or aria2 for LFS files and git clone for the rest.


  • ⏯️ Resume from breakpoint: You can re-run it or Ctrl+C anytime.
  • 🚀 Multi-threaded Download: Utilize multiple threads to speed up the download process.
  • 🚫 File Exclusion: Use --exclude or --include to skip or specify files, save time for models with duplicate formats (e.g., *.bin or *.safetensors).
  • 🔐 Auth Support: For gated models that require Huggingface login, use --hf_username and --hf_token to authenticate.
  • 🪞 Mirror Site Support: Set up with HF_ENDPOINT environment variable.
yuzhms /
Created June 2, 2020 12:12 — forked from alsrgv/
Horovod-PyTorch with Apex (look for "# Apex")
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from torchvision import models
import horovod.torch as hvd
import timeit
yuzhms / Upgrading HDF5 and h5py to use SWMR with h5
Created March 17, 2020 04:34 — forked from geyang/Upgrading HDF5 and h5py to use SWMR with h5
hdf5 v1.10 upgrade/installation instruction for using single-write-multiple-read (SWMR) in h5py.

The new 1.10 version of hdf5 library is stable. You can now install from the source to use this new capability.

The installation process has a few caveats, so here is how to do it.


  1. you need to first remove the hdf5 libraries currently installed in ubuntu.
  2. Then you need to reinstall h5py.
  3. when you reinstall h5py via pip, use the --no-binary flag. This is because the h5py wheel comes with its own hdf5 binary.


yuzhms /
Created October 18, 2019 02:55 — forked from protrolium/
using ffmpeg to extract audio from video files


Converting Audio into Different Formats / Sample Rates

Minimal example: transcode from MP3 to WMA:
ffmpeg -i input.mp3 output.wma

You can get the list of supported formats with:
ffmpeg -formats

Convert WAV to MP3, mix down to mono (use 1 audio channel), set bit rate to 64 kbps and sample rate to 22050 Hz:

yuzhms /
Created September 23, 2019 07:26 — forked from jeasinema/
A simple script for parameter initialization for PyTorch
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.init as init
def weight_init(m):
yuzhms /
Created July 19, 2019 03:25 — forked from jinyu121/
YOLO2 Get Anchors
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import numpy as np
import os
import random
yuzhms / Install NVIDIA Driver and
Last active July 13, 2019 05:44 — forked from wangruohui/Install NVIDIA Driver and
Install NVIDIA Driver and CUDA on Ubuntu / CentOS / Fedora Linux OS