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user www-data;
worker_processes 4;
pid /var/run/;
events {
worker_connections 768;
# multi_accept on;
http {
ThinkPad Engineers,
I am sending
back this ThinkPad X1 because it does not work for me. It just does not have
what I have become accustomed to over the years -- from the ThinkPad 701CS to
the ThinkPad 755 to the ThinkPad 600 to the ThinkPad 560 to the ThinkPad
TransNote to the ThinkPad A30p to the ThinkPad 240 to the ThinkPad T20 to the
ThinkPad R60 to the ThinkPad X40 to the ThinkPad X41t to the ThinkPad X60t and
.full-width {
width: 100%;
zackbloom / gist:1262366
Created October 4, 2011 18:13
Rounded Polygon
$DRAW.rounded_poly = (cxt, points, radius=15) ->
edges = []
for i in [0...points.length]
c_pnt = points[i]
n_pnt = points[(i + 1) % points.length]
x1: c_pnt.x
y1: c_pnt.y
x2: n_pnt.x
zackbloom / gist:1288835
Created October 15, 2011 01:15
Warehouse Picklist Algorithm
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import copy, deepcopy
WHS = {
'ID1' : ['code1', 'code2', 'code3'],
'ID2' : ['code2', 'code5', 'code3'],
'ID3' : ['code6', 'code7', 'code8'],
'ID4' : ['code3', 'code5', 'code6'],
Hi Guys,
My name is Zack Bloom, and I'm a software engineer with experience on both the front and backend and a solid eye for design.
tl;dr I have tons of JavaScript / CoffeeScript, interned at Hulu and have deployed two production apps to EC2. Read on for more:
Right now I'm working on an application called SpeedySeat ( which is built with jQuery Mobile / Coffeescript / Jade / Sass / Node.js. A few fun things to try:
Type 'DEMO' in the search field to get some guests. Use the menu at the bottom of the page to play with sorting and grouping.
Try the app on whatever smartphone / tablet you have lying around (try resizing the browser too).
Use the menu on the Table Chart page to activate editing and play around. Try adding some tables to sections and selecting multiple tables with control. - #configure
ruby-1.9.3-p286 - #download
There is no checksum for '' or 'bin-ruby-1.9.3-p286.tar.bz2', it's not possible to validate it.
If you wish to continue with unverified download add '--verify-downloads 1' after the command.
Downloading failed.
Mounting remote ruby failed, trying to compile.
Installing Ruby from source to: /Users/zackbloom/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p286, this may take a while depending on your cpu(s)...
ruby-1.9.3-p286 - #downloading ruby-1.9.3-p286, this may take a while depending on your connection...
plugins=(git rails ruby)
source $ZSH/
django_deployer | Checking for south migrations...
django_deployer | Running pre-deploy tasks (static v3)
django_deployer | Starting gunicorn on hosts...
virtualenv | contacts_web-b3943-r224b8f01dd8ef66c871b783997bfad7ac777257a already exists on independence
virtualenv | contacts_web-b3943-r224b8f01dd8ef66c871b783997bfad7ac777257a already exists on needle
virtualenv | contacts_web-b3943-r224b8f01dd8ef66c871b783997bfad7ac777257a already exists on winslow
supervisor | contacts_web-b3943-r224b8f01dd8ef66c871b783997bfad7ac777257a is already running on independence
WARNING:root:unable to pull contacts_web from fast server
# The coffeescript
pro = @getAttributes(...)
(pro.pipe ? pro.then) (data) ->
# The output js
pro = this.getAttributes(options);
return ((_ref = pro.pipe) != null ? _ref : pro.then)(function(data) {
# The minified js
b = this.getAttributes(a)