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zanzix / SOAT.idr
Created October 29, 2023 18:09
Second-Order Algebraic Theories
-- Our data-type for signatures
data Signature a = Sig (List a) a
-- Synonym for first-order signatures
infix 4 |-
(|-) : List a -> a -> Signature a
(|-) = Sig
-- Synonym for second-order signatures
infix 4 ||-
zanzix / CartCata.idr
Last active October 27, 2023 07:39
Free Cartesian Categories using Recursion Schemes
infixr 5 ~~> -- Morphisms of graphs
-- | Boilerplate for recursion schemes
-- Objects are graphs
Graph : Type -> Type
Graph o = o -> o -> Type
-- Morphisms are vertex-preserving transformations between graphs
zanzix / Fix.idr
Last active October 20, 2023 16:29
Recursion schemes in Idris starter pack
-- standard algebra
Algebra : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
Algebra f a = f a -> a
-- Mendler Algebra == Algebra (Coyoneda f) a
MAlgebra : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
MAlgebra f c = {x : Type} -> (x -> c) -> f x -> c
data Coyoneda : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type where
Coyo : (a -> b) -> f a -> Coyoneda f b
zanzix / ProfBicat.idr
Last active September 30, 2023 02:56
Bicategory of Profunctors
-- Profunctor composition
data CompP : (k1 -> k2 -> Type) -> (k2 -> k3 -> Type) -> k1 -> k3 -> Type where
InComp : {k1, k2, k3 : Type} -> {a : k1} -> {b : k2} -> {c : k3} -> {p : k1 -> k2 -> Type} -> {q : k2 -> k3 -> Type}
-> p a b -> q b c -> CompP p q a c
-- Natural transformations over profunctors
Nt : {k1, k2 : Type} -> {arr : t -> t -> Type} -> (k1 -> k2 -> t) -> (k1 -> k2 -> t) -> Type
Nt f g = {a : k1} -> {b : k2} -> arr (f a b) (g a b)
-- Category of idris functions
zanzix / MonoidalTricategory.idr
Last active October 23, 2023 20:07
From monoid to monoidal tricategory
infixr 5 +++
infixr 5 ***
-- A list over a type
-- data List : Type -> Type where
-- Nil : List a
-- (::) : a -> List a -> List a
Graph : Type -> Type
Graph obj = obj -> obj -> Type
zanzix / Bicat.idr
Last active September 26, 2023 22:16
Bicategory constraint issue
-- We define uncurried versions of Pair and Either to help with type-checking
data Tuple : (Type, Type) -> Type where
MkTuple : a -> b -> Tuple (a, b)
data Sum : (Type, Type) -> Type where
Left : a -> Sum (a, b)
Right : b -> Sum (a, b)
-- These are bifunctor versions of projections/injections
data Fst : (Type, Type) -> Type where
zanzix / Fix.idr
Last active September 23, 2023 01:17
Fixpoints of indexed functors, graphs, multi-graphs, poly-graphs
infixr 5 ~> -- Morphism of indexed functors
infixr 5 ~~> -- Morphism of graphs/doubly-indexed functors
infixr 5 :~> -- Morphism of multi-graphs
infixr 5 :~:> -- Morphism of poly-graphs
namespace Fix1
-- Objects are Types
-- Morphisms are functions between types (->)
zanzix / Kappa.idr
Created September 16, 2023 18:14
Kappa and Zetta calculi, and their dual versions
import Data.List.Elem
data Ty = U | Base | Prod Ty Ty | Sum Ty Ty | Imp Ty Ty | Sub Ty Ty | S Ty
infixr 5 :*:
(:*:) : Ty -> Ty -> Ty
(:*:) = Prod
infixr 5 ~>
(~>) : Ty -> Ty -> Ty
zanzix / Int.idr
Created September 15, 2023 17:05
Int Construction with Concategories
-- | Concategory
data Concat : List o -> List o -> Type where
-- Identity
Id : Concat as as
-- Sequential composition
Seq : Concat bs cs -> Concat as bs -> Concat as cs
-- Par
Par : {as, bs, cs, ds : List o} -> Concat as bs -> Concat cs ds -> Concat (as++cs) (bs++ds)
-- Symmetry
Sym : Concat (x ++ y) (y ++ x)
zanzix / Coterm.idr
Created September 13, 2023 20:48
Co-natural deduction
-- Greatest fixpoint of (1 + a * x), "possibly-terminating streams"
data Colist : Type -> Type where
Nil : Colist a
(::) : a -> Inf (Colist a) -> Colist a
-- Environment indexed by a colist
data CoAll : (p : k -> Type) -> Colist k -> Type where
Empty : CoAll p Nil
Cons : {p : k -> Type} -> p x -> Inf (CoAll p xs) -> CoAll p (x :: xs)