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Kaloyan Tenchov zayfod

  • Ann Arbor, MI, USA
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zayfod / cygwin-terminal-here.reg
Created July 31, 2013 22:49
Windows registry file to add "Cygwin terminal here" option to folders and drives in Windows Explorer. #misc #win #reg #cygwin
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Cygwin terminal here"
@="c:\\cygwin\\bin\\bash.exe --login -i -c 'cd \"`cygpath \"$*\"`\";bash' bash %L"
@="Cygwin terminal here"
zayfod / hello.cpp
Last active December 20, 2015 11:59
C++ "hello world" program. #cpp #hello
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
return 0;
zayfod / hello.c
Last active December 20, 2015 11:59
C "hello world" program. #c #hello
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
printf("Hello World!\n");
return 0;
zayfod /
Last active December 20, 2015 11:59
Python "hello world" program. #python #hello
#!/usr/bin/env python
print "Hello World!"
zayfod /
Last active May 6, 2019 15:45
Perl "hello world" program. #perl #hello
print "Hello, World!\n";
zayfod / hello.lua
Last active December 20, 2015 11:59
Lua "hello world" program. #lua #hello
print("Hello World!")
zayfod /
Created August 1, 2013 05:16
Java "hello world" program. #java #hello
class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
zayfod / hello.php
Last active December 20, 2015 12:09
PHP "hello world" program. #php #hello
<!DOCTYPE html>
echo "Hello World!";
zayfod /
Created August 1, 2013 05:21
Shell/bash "hello world" program. #bash #hello
echo "Hello World!"
zayfod / hello.js
Created August 1, 2013 05:29
JavaScript "hello world" program. #js #hello
//alert("Hello World!");
console.log("Hello World!");