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want to Go knowledge...

Koichi Shiraishi zchee

want to Go knowledge...
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saagarjha /
Created October 17, 2022 18:57
Some code I used to help write FB11698739. Very rough and posted as-is: don't copy things blindly from the internet, but that applies doubly so here!
// clang -shared -ldl -g -framework Foundation path_hook.o -L/usr/lib/swift
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <mach/arm/vm_param.h>
#include <mach/kern_return.h>
#include <mach/mach_init.h>
#include <mach/vm_map.h>
#include <mach/vm_prot.h>
LinusHenze / iOS_16_Launch_Constraints.txt
Created June 15, 2022 16:30
Description of the Launch Constraints introduced in iOS 16
iOS 16 introduced launch constraints, which can be used to constraint the launch of an application.
There are three types of constraints:
Self Constraints, which the launched application itself must meet
Parent Constraints, which the parent process must meet
Responsible Constraints, which the "responsible process" must meet (I assume that the responsible process is the process that asked launchd to launch a service)
Additionally, the TrustCache format was updated (see below) to support assigning each binary a "Constraint Category", which forces Self and Parent Constraints.
Note that Self, Parent and Responsible Constraints can also be set by the process performing the launch and they can be included in the code signature, in the new blob type 0xFADE8181. In both cases, the constraints are DER encoded (just like the DER entitlements).
Constraint Categories (from TrustCache, new in version 2):
R167 / main.go
Created March 22, 2022 05:50
Test golang bookmarks SDK
package main
import (
* % gcc -shared -fPIC injectaddr.c -ldl -o
* -- inject 1s delay, then connect to
* % \
* curl
theevilbit / screenshot.m
Last active December 12, 2024 02:41
Make a screenshot on macOS using Objective-C
gcc -framework Foundation -framework AppKit screenshot.m -o screenshot
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
int main(void) {
edmundsmith /
Created November 22, 2021 14:42
Things I wish $Lang had

Things I wish $Lang had

Sometimes, when programming, I notice that I'm missing some useful features, or when reading I think 'this would be really useful to be part of $Lang'.

Explicit order-invariance and synchronisation points

C compilers are part of why C is hard. They re-order statements based on what appears to be a magic black box. Understanding what's in that black box is much harder than it should be. Many statements (or expressions) in programming act completely independently of each other, and thus their order of execution should not matter. Meanwhile, other statements can depend on the execution of a previous statement (/expression). It would be nice to see the execution dependency graph explicitly and syntactically laid out, rather than being inferred from analysis or assuming every statement to induce a synchronisation point.

Some languages get part of this right. Haskell's laziness means order of execution doesn't need to match the order it's written down, and its purity means that orde

vsivsi /
Last active November 4, 2021 20:44
GNU C / Asm test of AVX512 opmask clobbering on Darwin

GNU C / Asm test of AVX512 opmask clobbering on Darwin

This is an alternative implemenation of:

NOTE! This must be run on an Intel processor supporting AVX512F/DQ

Build and run (in background): gcc testmask.c testmask.s && ./a.out &

Send a bunch of SIGURG signals: for ((x=0;x<20;x++)); do kill -s URG <pid>; sleep 0.01; done

vsivsi /
Last active November 4, 2021 20:48
Reproduction of AVX512 opmask clobbering

Maskcheck is a repro of opmask clobbering by golang async preemption

A GNU C / Asm implementation is here:

NOTE! This must be run on an Intel processor supporting AVX512F/DQ

To test: go test -count 1 -timeout 15m -run '^TestMask$'

This should fail with something like:

saagarjha / library_injector.cpp
Last active February 26, 2025 17:59
Load a library into newly spawned processes (using DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES and EndpointSecurity)
// To compile: clang++ -arch x86_64 -arch arm64 -std=c++20 library_injector.cpp -lbsm -lEndpointSecurity -o library_injector,
// then codesign with and run the
// program as root.
#include <EndpointSecurity/EndpointSecurity.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <bsm/libbsm.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>