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ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDP/uIv+4NCTeHd5czMbRrCq1aH8R0pp8jOuNc+ENWqB5/Z/+qUA59rY+i8Za1omKKODlBkOk7RzBPyP7/e45kP+gOdAVmp1BVcyaSsSB6GV+x5+/zjdQ5HuFshlfUrm9uNKRNyqsftLuYMEt3mQ8mhXEGkAaRGMkLBMd6dYirJMTKHAHcrSvF3TFC+9Ef4NVg+F2gdnQcDLwpy8xwUxBuV7sCsd+vKAe6mXITbHKgUohbX6jMwbHuEXbXdh7q79oaCM73KAQMmLpzehhIuzIfnunZWFXQbNvXNivpN5bt9X0UjslfyCl1CEygi9q9ua3MxxtYPnw55XxoP/LWuzmtx [email protected]
zenware / Contract Killer
Last active November 5, 2015 07:19
The latest version of my ‘killer contract’ for web designers and developers

Contract Killer

The popular open-source contract for web designers and developers by Stuff & Nonsense

  • Originally published: 23rd December 2008
  • Revised date: October 8th 2015
  • Original post

zenware /
Created April 13, 2016 05:10 — forked from klange/
It's a résumé, as a readable and compilable C source file. Since Hacker News got here, this has been updated to be most of my actual résumé. This isn't a serious document, just a concept to annoy people who talk about recruiting and the formats they accept résumés in. It's also relatively representative of my coding style.

Since this is on Hacker News and reddit...

  • No, I don't distribute my résumé like this. A friend of mine made a joke about me being the kind of person who would do this, so I did (the link on that page was added later). My actual résumé is a good bit crazier.
  • I apologize for the use of _t in my types. I spend a lot of time at a level where I can do that; "reserved for system libraries? I am the system libraries".
  • Since people kept complaining, I've fixed the assignments of string literals to non-const char *s.
  • My use of type * name, however, is entirely intentional.
  • If you're using an older compiler, you might have trouble with the anonymous unions and the designated initializers - I think gcc 4.4 requires some extra braces to get them working together. Anything reasonably recent should work fine. Clang and gcc (newer than 4.4, at le
zenware / Three Wise
Last active March 22, 2017 23:34
Three Wise Monkeys (NDA)

Date: _______

Between us _______________

and you _______________.


In short; neither of us will share any confidential information about each-other, by any means, with anyone else.