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// This will break incremental compilation
def gitSha = 'git rev-parse --short HEAD'.execute([], project.rootDir).text.trim()
def buildTime = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"))
android {
defaultConfig {
buildConfigField "String", "GIT_SHA", "\"${gitSha}\""
buildConfigField "String", "BUILD_TIME", "\"${buildTime}\""
class ReducerFeatureWithoutNews : ReducerFeature<Wish, State, Nothing>(
initialState = State(),
reducer = ReducerImpl()
) {
data class State(
val counter: Int = 0
sealed class Wish {
object IncreaseCounter : Wish()
package io.reactivex;
import io.reactivex.annotations.*;
* Represents a basic, non-backpressured {@link Observable} source base interface,
* consumable via an {@link Observer}.
* @param <T> the element type
* @since 2.0
package io.reactivex.functions;
* A functional interface (callback) that accepts a single value.
* @param <T> the value type
public interface Consumer<T> {
* Consume the given value.
* @param t the value
val output: ObservableSource<String> = Observable.just("item1", "item2", "item3")
val input: Consumer<String> = Consumer { System.out.println(it) }
val disposable = Observable.wrap(output).subscribe(input)
// Wishes -> Feature
val wishes: ObservableSource<Wish> = Observable.just(Wish.SomeWish)
val feature: Consumer<Wish> = SomeFeature()
val disposable = Observable.wrap(wishes).subscribe(feature)
// Feature -> State consumer
val feature: ObservableSource<State> = SomeFeature()
val logger: Consumer<State> = Consumer { System.out.println(it) }
val disposable = Observable.wrap(feature).subscribe(logger)
val binder = Binder()
binder.bind(wishes to feature)
binder.bind(feature to logger)
val output: ObservableSource<A> = TODO()
val input: Consumer<B> = TODO()
val transformer: (A) -> B = TODO()
binder.bind(output to input using transformer)
val binder = Binder()
val binder = Binder(lifecycle)