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Created July 8, 2024 23:50
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Google Places Search
import requests
from pprint import pprint
import json
import csv
import folium
import time
from folium.plugins import MarkerCluster
API_KEY = 'asdf'
def write_json( file_path , python_object ):
with open( file_path , 'w', encoding='utf-8' ) as f:
json.dump( python_object , f , ensure_ascii=False , indent=4 )
def read_json( file_path ):
with open( file_path ) as f:
return json.load( f )
def write_csv( filename , results):
# fieldnames = ['id', 'nationalPhoneNumber', 'internationalPhoneNumber', 'formattedAddress', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'rating', 'websiteUri', 'userRatingCount', 'displayName']
fieldnames = [ 'Name' , 'Phone Number' , 'Address' , 'Rating' , 'Total Reviews' , 'Website' ]
with open( filename , mode='w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
for result in results:
row = {
'displayName': result['displayName']['text'] ,
'nationalPhoneNumber': result.get('nationalPhoneNumber'),
'formattedAddress': result.get('formattedAddress'),
'rating': result.get('rating'),
'userRatingCount': result.get('userRatingCount'),
'websiteUri': result.get('websiteUri'),
def create_map(map_filename , data ):
# Filter out entries without location data
valid_data = [place for place in data if 'location' in place and 'latitude' in place['location'] and 'longitude' in place['location']]
if not valid_data:
print("No valid location data found.")
# Initialize the map centered around the first valid result
first_location = valid_data[0]['location']
folium_map = folium.Map(location=[first_location['latitude'], first_location['longitude']], zoom_start=13)
# Add marker cluster to the map
marker_cluster = MarkerCluster().add_to(folium_map)
# Add each place to the map with a marker and popup (excluding review text)
for place in valid_data:
location = place['location']
name = place.get('displayName', {}).get('text', 'No name')
address = place.get('formattedAddress', 'No address')
rating = place.get('rating', 'No rating')
user_ratings_count = place.get('userRatingCount', 'No ratings count')
popup_content = f"""
Address: {address}<br>
Rating: {rating}<br>
User Ratings Count: {user_ratings_count}
location=[location['latitude'], location['longitude']],
popup=folium.Popup(popup_content, max_width=300),
# Save the map to an HTML file
def nearby_search(location, radius, max_results, included_types):
url = ""
params = {
"": location['latitude'],
"": location['longitude'],
"": radius,
"maxResultCount": max_results,
"includedTypes": included_types
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-Goog-Api-Key": API_KEY,
"X-Goog-FieldMask": "places.displayName"
response =, json=params, headers=headers)
return response.json()
def place_details_search(place_id):
url = f"{place_id}"
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-Goog-Api-Key": API_KEY,
"X-Goog-FieldMask": "id,displayName"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
return response.json()
def text_search_new(text_query, location, radius=50000.0):
url = ""
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-Goog-Api-Key": API_KEY,
"X-Goog-FieldMask": "nextPageToken,,,places.rating,places.userRatingCount,places.nationalPhoneNumber,places.internationalPhoneNumber,places.websiteUri,places.displayName,places.formattedAddress,places.priceLevel,places.location"
data = {
"textQuery": text_query,
"pageSize": 20,
"rankPreference": "RELEVANCE",
"locationBias": {
"circle": {
"center": {
"latitude": location['latitude'],
"longitude": location['longitude']
"radius": radius
all_places = []
next_page_token = None
page_token = None
while True:
if next_page_token:
data["pageToken"] = page_token
response =, json=data, headers=headers)
result = response.json()
places = result.get('places', [])
# Debug statements
if len( places ) == 0:
print(f"Retrieved {len(places)} places, total so far: {len(all_places)}")
next_page_token = result.get('nextPageToken')
if next_page_token:
if next_page_token != page_token:
page_token = next_page_token
print(f"Next page token: {next_page_token}")
time.sleep( 1 )
print("No more pages.")
print("No more pages.")
return all_places
def text_search(text_query, location, radius=5000, rankby="prominence"):
url = ""
query = {
"keyword": text_query,
"location": f"{location['latitude']},{location['longitude']}",
"radius": radius,
"rankby": rankby,
"key": API_KEY,
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
all_results = []
while True:
response = requests.get(url, params=query, headers=headers)
results = response.json()
all_results.extend(results.get('results', []))
print(f"Total results so far: {len(all_results)}")
next_page_token = results.get('next_page_token')
if not next_page_token or len(all_results) >= 60:
print(f"Next page token: {next_page_token}")
query['pagetoken'] = next_page_token
print("Waiting for next page token to become valid...")
time.sleep(2) # Required delay to let the next_page_token become valid
return all_results
def filter_unique_ids( results ):
seen_ids = set()
unique = []
for result in results:
if result["id"] not in seen_ids:
unique.append( result )
seen_ids.add( result[ "id" ] )
return unique
if __name__ == "__main__":
search_term = "endodontist general anesthesia"
save_file_name = "test-3"
cities = [
{ "name": "Huber Heights, Ohio" , "location": { 'latitude': 39.890783 , 'longitude': -84.095164 } } ,
{ "name": "Cincinnati, Ohio" , "location": { 'latitude': 39.140772 , 'longitude': -84.504651 } } ,
{ "name": "Columbus, Ohio" , "location": { 'latitude': 39.967962 , 'longitude': -83.004995 } } ,
{ "name": "Cleveland, Ohio" , "location": { 'latitude': 41.485341 , 'longitude': -81.683451 } } ,
{ "name": "Toledo, Ohio" , "location": { 'latitude': 41.647074 , 'longitude': -83.522599 } } ,
results = []
for city in cities:
results.extend( text_search_new( f"{search_term} in {city['name']}" , city['location'] , radius=50000.0 ) )
results = filter_unique_ids( results )
sorted_results = sorted( results , key=lambda x: ( -x.get( 'rating' , 0 ) , -x.get( 'userRatingCount' , 0 ) ) )
pprint( sorted_results )
print( len( sorted_results ) )
write_json( f"{save_file_name}.json" , sorted_results )
write_csv( f"{save_file_name}.csv" , sorted_results )
create_map( f"{save_file_name}.html" , sorted_results )
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