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Last active June 10, 2024 18:32
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0xMonaco car (top-ranked finisher by ELO, Paradigm CTF 2022)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.16; // (10M optimization runs)
interface MonacoInterface {
struct CarData {
uint32 balance; // Where 0 means the car has no money.
uint32 speed; // Where 0 means the car isn't moving.
uint32 y; // Where 0 means the car hasn't moved.
Car car;
function buyAcceleration(uint256 amount) external returns (uint256 cost);
function buyShell(uint256 amount) external returns (uint256 cost);
function getAccelerateCost(uint256 amount) external view returns (uint256 sum);
function getShellCost(uint256 amount) external view returns (uint256 sum);
function turns() external view returns (uint256 turn);
abstract contract Car {
MonacoInterface internal immutable monaco;
constructor(MonacoInterface _monaco) {
monaco = _monaco;
// Note: The allCars array comes sorted in descending order of each car's y position.
function takeYourTurn(MonacoInterface.CarData[] calldata allCars, uint256 yourCarIndex) external virtual;
/// @author 0age
/// @notice Be warned that this contract was hastily and iteratively hobbled together and has known bugs.
contract c000r is Car {
constructor(MonacoInterface _monaco) Car(_monaco) {}
function takeYourTurn(MonacoInterface.CarData[] calldata allCars, uint256 ourCarIndex) external override {
MonacoInterface.CarData memory ourCar = allCars[ourCarIndex];
// Win if possible.
if (
ourCar.y > 850 &&
ourCar.balance >= monaco.getAccelerateCost(1000 - (ourCar.y + ourCar.speed))
) {
monaco.buyAcceleration(1000 - (ourCar.y + ourCar.speed));
// Get the cost of a shell; only throw one per turn.
uint256 shellCost = monaco.getShellCost(1);
if (shellCost < 400 && ourCarIndex != 0 && allCars[0].y > 8 && allCars[1].y == 0 && allCars[2].y == 0) {
// Respond to opening with a large move.
shellCost = 15001;
} else if (shellCost == 0) {
// Buy it if it's free.
shellCost = 15001;
} else if (ourCarIndex == 1 && ourCar.balance >= shellCost && allCars[0].y + allCars[0].speed >= 1000) {
// Don't lose if it can be stopped.
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyShell(1));
shellCost = 15001;
// Handle early-game; hang back for a bit in hopes that other two players duke it out.
if (ourCarIndex != 0 && allCars[0].y < 200) {
// Only move if immobile and not paying gouged prices due to an opponent's big opening move.
if (ourCar.speed < 3 && shellCost < 15000) {
// Handle late-game cases.
if (allCars[0].y > 850) {
// Handle cases where speed is too low and we're in the lead.
if (ourCarIndex == 0 && (allCars[1].speed > ourCar.speed) || allCars[2].speed > ourCar.speed) {
uint256 largerSpeed = allCars[1].speed > allCars[2].speed ? allCars[1].speed : allCars[2].speed;
if (ourCar.balance >= monaco.getAccelerateCost(largerSpeed - ourCar.speed)) {
monaco.buyAcceleration(largerSpeed - ourCar.speed);
} else {
try monaco.buyAcceleration(5) {} catch {}
// Handle cases where we're behind.
if (ourCarIndex != 0) {
uint256 frontCarSpeed = allCars[ourCarIndex - 1].speed;
// Shell the car ahead if it's moving quickly.
if (ourCar.balance >= shellCost && shellCost < 2000 && ((frontCarSpeed > ourCar.speed && frontCarSpeed > 4) || frontCarSpeed > 8)) {
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyShell(1));
shellCost = 15001;
// Move forward decisively if we have the balance for it.
uint256 bigMove = monaco.getAccelerateCost(7);
if (ourCar.balance >= bigMove && bigMove < 1000) {
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyAcceleration(7));
ourCar.speed += 7;
// Don't fall behind when in last place and get out of it late in the race.
uint256 costToCatchUp = 0;
if (ourCarIndex == 2) {
if (allCars[1].balance < 200 || (allCars[0].y > 825 && allCars[1].y < 750)) {
// try and get into second place in order to shell next turn.
costToCatchUp = monaco.getAccelerateCost(1 + allCars[1].speed + allCars[1].y - (ourCar.speed + ourCar.y));
} else if (allCars[1].speed > ourCar.speed) {
// Hold position.
costToCatchUp = monaco.getAccelerateCost(allCars[1].speed - ourCar.speed);
// If we're in second place (index 1) + we can afford a shell:
uint256 nextCarSpeed = allCars[0].speed;
if (
ourCarIndex == 1 &&
nextCarSpeed > 3 &&
ourCar.balance >= shellCost
) {
// if the car ahead of us is going fast and it's not really expensive to get em, smoke em.
if (shellCost < 300 && (
nextCarSpeed > (ourCar.speed + 6) ||
nextCarSpeed > 24)
) {
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyShell(1));
} else if (
shellCost < 1000 &&
(nextCarSpeed > 35 || allCars[0].y - ourCar.y > 50 || allCars[0].y > 950 || ourCar.balance > 1000)
) {
// The above thresholds for when to shell can be tuned; the ones above
// are conservative to delay shelling until it's a desperate situation.
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyShell(1));
if (
// If we need to get moving, let's do it.
ourCar.balance > (allCars[0].y < 800 ? 2000 : 500) &&
ourCar.speed < 6
) {
try monaco.buyAcceleration(ourCarIndex == 0 ? 2 : 4) returns (uint256 cost) {
ourCar.balance -= uint24(cost);
ourCar.speed += ourCarIndex == 0 ? 2 : 4;
} catch {}
} else if (
// Keep pace early if in the back.
costToCatchUp != 0 &&
ourCar.balance > costToCatchUp &&
costToCatchUp < 1000
) {
uint256 catchUpAccelerationAmount = (allCars[1].speed - ourCar.speed) / (costToCatchUp < 50 ? 1 : 2);
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyAcceleration(catchUpAccelerationAmount));
ourCar.speed += uint32(catchUpAccelerationAmount);
} else {
// Keep moving, faster near the end if balance permits
uint256 accelerationTarget = (ourCar.y > 800) ? 5 : 2;
uint256 costToAccelerate = monaco.getAccelerateCost(accelerationTarget);
if (
ourCar.balance > 200 &&
ourCar.balance > costToAccelerate &&
costToAccelerate < (ourCar.y > 800 ? 50 : 24)
) {
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyAcceleration(accelerationTarget));
ourCar.speed += uint32(accelerationTarget);
// Go for a final boost when it makes sense
if (ourCarIndex != 0 && allCars[0].y > 700 && ourCar.balance > allCars[0].balance * 2 && ourCar.balance > 220) {
try monaco.buyAcceleration(5) {} catch {}
function name() external pure returns (string memory) {
return "c000r";
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