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Created May 15, 2016 01:29
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Module Pattern in ES5
  • It is considered best practice to manage scope using the Module Pattern
  • It enables access to both a public and private scope in your code
  • In basic terms you may get this done by wrapping a function inside a function like so:
var Module = (function() {
  var _privateMethod1 = function() {
    console.log("private 1");  
  var _privateMethod2 = function() {
    console.log("private 2");

  return {
      publicMethod1 : function() {
         console.log("public 1");
      publicMethod2 :function() {
        console.log("public 2");

  • In the code above we have created one public module called Module (modules should always use pascal case for easy recognition)
  • The module is an IIFE so it calls itself and is available on load
  • Inside that function we can define different methods that will be used to get stuff done
  • Private methods should always remain local & start with an _ E.g _privateMethod2
  • You never want your private methods to be in the global scope & you can do this by not returning them in the object within the Module
  • Public methods are also defined within the Module and made available to the global scope.
  • In the code above this is done by returning the public method as a key : value pair
  • To access these public methods in your code you can call them as a method on the Module E.g : Module.publicMethod2()
  • Within your code the public methods still have access to the private methods and they can be accessed like so :
  return {
    publicMethod1: function() {
  • What's going on here is that both private and public methods are local to the Module but the public methods are returned in an object by passing them as key : value pairs, thereby making them accessible methods on the Module which is in the global scope
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