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Last active September 21, 2022 18:00
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Working with decorators in React
  • An ES2016 decorator is an expression which returns a function and can take a target, name and property descriptor as arguments.
  • A decorator takes an argument (the function being decorated) and returns the same function with added functionality.
  • Decorators are helpful for anything you want to transparently wrap with extra functionality.
  • Its simplest form (React):
const HOC = (Component) => (props) => <Component {...props} />;
  • Practical use case:
const Field = (Component) => ({
}) => (
  <FormField label={label} error={error} className={className} disabled={disabled} current={current}>
    <Component className={inputClass} disabled={disabled} {...props} />
  • The example above takes a Component as an argument, returns some props and then returns the Component using those props to alter it

  • The primary benefit of the Decorator pattern is that you can take a rather vanilla object and wrap it in more advanced behaviors

  • The underlying code, or guts, of the object (Component) remains the same while the decorators provide a new skin.

  • For instance a view which renders a plain window can have decorators to add different backgrounds, scroll bars, borders, etc.

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