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Last active March 14, 2024 11:26
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Enable/fix macOS WiFi roaming (802.11k, 802.11r, 802.11v)
# 1. Enable roaming
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ enabled -bool true
# (Optional) Un-disable roaming
#sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ disabled -bool false
# 2. Prefer networks with stronger signals
sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Resources/airport en0 prefs JoinMode=Strongest
# (Optional) Set a fallback mode (Prompt, JoinOpen, KeepLooking, DoNothing)
#sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Resources/airport en0 prefs JoinModeFallback=Prompt
# 3. Power cycle WiFi interface
networksetup -setnetworkserviceenabled 'Wi-Fi' off
networksetup -setnetworkserviceenabled 'Wi-Fi' on
# Check current settings
# Roaming settings
defaults read /Library/Preferences/
# AirPort preferences
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print :Sets:<ID>:Network:Interface:en0:AirPort' \
# Or manually check <ID> → Network → Interface → en0 → AirPort → <JoinMode, etc.> with:
#defaults read /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences Sets
# To undo above changes
# (Careful with this!)
#sudo defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ enabled
#/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Delete :Sets:<ID>:Network:Interface:en0:AirPort:JoinMode' \
# /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist
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