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0ff/ElgatoEve.js Secret

Created October 27, 2015 09:05
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This gist contains a homebridge.js accessory that tries to mimic the elgato eve weather and it's history.
var Service = require("HAP-NodeJS").Service;
var Characteristic = require("HAP-NodeJS").Characteristic;
var request = require("request");
var inherits = require('util').inherits;
var debug = require('debug')('Eve');
var hexToBase64 = function(val) {
return new Buffer((''+val).replace(/[^0-9A-F]/ig, ''), 'hex').toString('base64');
}, base64ToHex = function(val) {
if(!val) return val;
return new Buffer(val, 'base64').toString('hex');
}, swap16 = function (val) {
return ((val & 0xFF) << 8)
| ((val >> 8) & 0xFF);
}, hexToHPA = function(val) {
return parseInt(swap16(val), 10);
}, hPAtoHex = function(val) {
return swap16(Math.round(val)).toString(16);
}, numToHex = function(val, len) {
var s = Number(val).toString(16);
if(s.length % 2 != 0) {
s = '0' + s;
if(len) {
return ('0000000000000' + s).slice(-1 * len);
return s;
module.exports = {
accessory: EveAccessory
function EveAccessory(log, config) {
this.log = log;
function EveLogEntry(type, id, timestamp, sensorDatapoints) {
this.type = type; = id;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
if(type == 0x10) {
this.sensorDatapoints = sensorDatapoints;
} else {
EveLogEntry.prototype.toHex = function() {
var bytes = [this.type,, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, numToHex(parseInt(hPAtoHex(this.timestamp), 16), 4), 0x00, 0x00 ];
if(this.type == 0x10) {
bytes.push((this.sensorDatapoints.length * 2) + 1);
bytes.push.apply(bytes, {
return hPAtoHex(s);
var bytesAsStrings = { return typeof s === 'string' ? s :numToHex(s); });
// console.log(bytes, bytesAsStrings)
return new Buffer(bytesAsStrings.join(''), 'hex').toString('hex');
var _eve = {
EveService1: [
uuid: 'E863F10F-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52',
desc: 'Air Pressure Sensor',
perms: [Characteristic.Perms.READ],
format: Characteristic.Formats.DATA,
value: hexToBase64(hPAtoHex(1234))
Some kind of internal temp sensor? Returns 18.7 which is eq to first saved temp
Temp low maybe?
uuid: 'E863F111-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52',
desc: '',
perms: [Characteristic.Perms.READ],
format: Characteristic.Formats.DATA,
value: hexToBase64('4e07')
uuid: 'E863F112-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52',
desc: '',
perms: [Characteristic.Perms.READ, Characteristic.Perms.WRITE],
format: Characteristic.Formats.DATA,
value: hexToBase64('00000000')
uuid: 'E863F11B-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52',
desc: '',
perms: [Characteristic.Perms.READ],
format: Characteristic.Formats.DATA,
value: hexToBase64('64')
uuid: 'E863F11E-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52',
desc: '',
perms: [Characteristic.Perms.READ, Characteristic.Perms.WRITE],
format: Characteristic.Formats.DATA,
value: hexToBase64('01be00be 00f44fb8 0a000000')
Some kind of internal temp sensor? Returns 21.01 which is well in range of temps
Temp max maybe?
uuid: 'E863F124-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52',
desc: '',
perms: [Characteristic.Perms.READ],
format: Characteristic.Formats.DATA,
value: hexToBase64('3508')
Some kind of internal hum sensor? Returns 65.32 which is well in range of hum
uuid: 'E863F12A-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52',
desc: '',
perms: [Characteristic.Perms.READ],
format: Characteristic.Formats.DATA,
value: hexToBase64('8419')
Some kind of internal hum sensor? Returns 65.32 which is well in range of hum
uuid: 'E863F12B-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52',
desc: '',
perms: [Characteristic.Perms.READ],
format: Characteristic.Formats.DATA,
value: hexToBase64('8419')
EveService2: [
uuid: 'E863F116-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52',
desc: 'Read Trunk 1',
perms: [Characteristic.Perms.READ],
format: Characteristic.Formats.DATA,
value: hexToBase64('01010000 FF000000 3C0F0000 03010202 0203021D 00F50F00 00000000 000000')
uuid: 'E863F117-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52',
desc: 'Read Trunk 2',
perms: [Characteristic.Perms.READ, Characteristic.Perms.WRITE],
format: Characteristic.Formats.DATA,
value: hexToBase64(
'1500 0000 0000 0000 0080 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00' +
new EveLogEntry(0x10, 1, 0, [1870, 7214, 9900]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 2, 600, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 3, 1200, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 4, 1800, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 5, 2400, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 6, 3000, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 7, 3600, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 8, 3601, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 9, 3602, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 10, 3603, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 11, 3604, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 12, 3605, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 13, 3606, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 14, 3607, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 15, 3608, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 16, 3609, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 17, 3609, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 18, 3609, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 19, 3609, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 20, 3609, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 21, 3609, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 22, 3609, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 23, 3609, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 24, 3609, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 25, 3609, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 26, 3609, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 27, 3609, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
+ new EveLogEntry(0x10, 28, 3609, [1870, 7214, 1234]).toHex()
// new EveLogEntry(0x10, 3, 1800, [1870, 7214, 9900]).toHex() +
// new EveLogEntry(0x10, 4, 2400, [1870, 7214, 9900]).toHex() +
// new EveLogEntry(0x10, 5, 3000, [1870, 7214, 9900]).toHex() +
// new EveLogEntry(0x10, 6, 3600, [1870, 7214, 9900]).toHex() +
// new EveLogEntry(0x10, 7, 4200, [1870, 7214, 9900]).toHex()
// '1001 0000 0001 0000 0007 4e07 2e1c ac26' +
// '1502 0000 00c8 0000 0081 3ce1 c21b 0000 0000 0000 00' +
// '1003 0000 0059 0200 0007 6507 b919 a226' +
// '1004 0000 00b2 0400 0007 e807 671d ac26' +
// '1005 0000 0009 0700 0007 E807 671D 3930'
uuid: 'E863F11C-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52',
desc: 'Write Trunk 1',
perms: [Characteristic.Perms.WRITE],
format: Characteristic.Formats.DATA,
value: null
uuid: 'E863F121-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52',
desc: 'Write Trunk 2',
perms: [Characteristic.Perms.WRITE],
format: Characteristic.Formats.DATA,
value: null
var Eve = {},
makeCharacteristicFromEveDesc = function(s) {
var id = s.uuid.split('-')[0];
Eve[id] = function() {
var name = (s.desc && (id + ': ' + s.desc)) || id;, name, s.uuid);
format: s.format,
perms: s.perms
this.value = s.value;
var self = this;
this.on('get', function(cb) {
debug('[%s] was read', name, base64ToHex(self.value));
cb(null, self.value);
this.on('set', function(val, cb) {
debug('[%s] was written: %s', name, base64ToHex(val));
cb(null, val);
inherits(Eve[id], Characteristic);
_eve.EveService1.forEach(function(s) {
return makeCharacteristicFromEveDesc(s);
_eve.EveService2.forEach(function(s) {
return makeCharacteristicFromEveDesc(s);
function EveService1(displayName, subtype) {, displayName, 'E863F001-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52', subtype);
// Required Characteristics
// this.addCharacteristic(Eve.E863F111);
// this.addCharacteristic(Eve.E863F124);
// this.addCharacteristic(Eve.E863F12A);
// this.addCharacteristic(Eve.E863F12B);
inherits(EveService1, Service);
function EveService2(displayName, subtype) {, displayName, 'E863F007-079E-48FF-8F27-9C2605A29F52', subtype);
inherits(EveService2, Service);
EveAccessory.prototype = {
identify: function(callback) {
this.log("Identify requested!");
callback(); // success
getServices: function() {
// you can OPTIONALLY create an information service if you wish to override
// the default values for things like serial number, model, etc.
this.informationService = new Service.AccessoryInformation();
.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.Manufacturer, "Fakegato")
.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.Model, "Eve Weather")
this.service1 = new EveService1();
this.service2 = new EveService2();
return [this.informationService, this.service1, this.service2];
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Hi, I'm experimenting a bit starting from your gist and the one from @gomfunkel. If you want you may have a look at my recent findings here I don't know if you already discovered all of them, maybe we can join our efforts to close the ring.

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