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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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`/** @jsx React.DOM */`
# Component structure:
# - DropdownButton
# - DropdownMenu
# - DropdownMenuItem
# refs to some utils
classSet = React.addons.classSet
# the base dropdown mixin
DropdownStateMixin =
getInitialState: ->
open: false
position: 'absolute'
componentDidMount: ->
# handle window resize event
$(window).on 'resize', @setPosition
bindCloseHandler: ->
# handle click outside event
document.addEventListener 'click', @handleClickOutside
document.addEventListener 'keyup', @handleKeyup
unbindCloseHandler: ->
document.removeEventListener 'click', @handleClickOutside
document.removeEventListener 'keyup', @handleKeyup
handleClickOutside: (e) ->
open: false
handleKeyup: (e) ->
if e.keyCode is 27
open: false
handleToggle: (e) ->
open = [email protected]
open: open
if open is true
setPosition: ->
# ref to btn node
$btnEl = $(@refs.button.getDOMNode())
# props and states
direction = @props.direction
placement = @props.placement
style =
# measurements we need to calculate position
btnWidth = $btnEl[0].offsetWidth
if placement is 'right'
style.right = '100%'
style['margin-right'] = -1 * btnWidth + 'px'
else if placement is 'center'
style.left = 0
style['margin-left'] = -1 * btnWidth + 'px'
style.left = 0
if direction is 'up'
style.bottom = '100%'
else = '100%'
style: style
adjustToViewport: ->
$dropdownEl = $(
dropdownMarginRight = parseInt $dropdownEl.css('margin-right')
dropdownLeftOffset = $(@refs.button.getDOMNode()).offset().left
dropdownWidth = $dropdownEl.width()
style =
winWidth = $(window).width()
offsetDiff = 0
# check if we've gone outside of the viewport (left)
if dropdownLeftOffset < 0 || $dropdownEl.offset().left < 0
offsetDiff = dropdownMarginRight - (-dropdownLeftOffset)
if @props.placement is 'right'
style['margin-right'] = 0
style['left'] = 0
style['margin-left'] = 0
style['left'] = 0
# right
if dropdownLeftOffset + dropdownWidth > winWidth
offsetDiff = (dropdownLeftOffset + $dropdownEl.width()) - winWidth
style.left = -1 * offsetDiff + 'px'
style: style
DropdownButton = React.createClass
mixins: [DropdownStateMixin]
render: ->
classes = classSet
dropdown: true
up: @props.direction == 'up'
down: @props.direction == 'down'
`<div className={classes}>
<a href="" onClick={this.handleToggle} className="btn btn-dropdown" ref="button">
{this.props.title} <i className="icon-caret"></i>
<DropdownMenu ref="menu" items={this.props.items} onSelect={this.props.onSelect} style={} />
DropdownMenu = React.createClass
render: ->
`<ul className="dropdown-menu" style={}>
{, i) {
return (<DropdownMenuItem item={item} onSelect={this.props.onSelect} key={i} />)
}, this)}
DropdownMenuItem = React.createClass
render: ->
<a href="" onClick={this.handleClick}>{this.props.item.title}</a>
handleClick: (e) ->
DropdownExample = React.createClass
render: ->
@transferPropsTo `<DropdownButton
onSelect={this.handleSelect} />`
handleSelect: (item) ->
console.log 'selected', item
items = [
{ title: 'item 1' }
{ title: 'item 2' }
{ title: 'item 3' }
React.renderComponent( `<DropdownExample items={items} title="show menu" />`, document.getElementById('content'))
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