- Open your basecamp ticket
- open js console and run this js code in console
var text = jQuery('.formatted_content').eq(0).text();
var startr = "(^|<div>|<br>)\\s*";
var delimiterr = "(\\s| )*[:-]*(\\s| )*";
var endr = "\\s*($| |<\/div>|<br>)";
var rhost = new RegExp(startr + "(host|domain|server)+" + delimiterr + "([a-z0-9.]{3,})" + endr, "img");
var ruser = new RegExp(startr + "(user|username|login)" + delimiterr + "([a-zA-Z0-9\\-@.]{3,})" + endr, "img");
var rpassword = new RegExp(startr + "pass(word)*" + delimiterr + "([A-Za-z\\d@$!%*#?&)(]{4,})" + endr, "img");
var rpath = new RegExp(startr + "(path|dir)+" + delimiterr + "([~\\.A-Za-z\\d-\\/\\\\]{3,})" + endr, "img");
var rport = new RegExp(startr + "(ssh|ftp)*\s*port" + delimiterr + "(\\d+)" + endr, "img");
if (text.match(rhost) === null) {
text = jQuery('.formatted_content').eq(0).html();
var hosts = [];
text.match(rhost) && text.match(rhost).forEach(function(host){
hosts.push(host.replace(rhost, "$5"));
var usernames = [];
text.match(ruser) && text.match(ruser).forEach(function(username){
usernames.push(username.replace(ruser, "$5"));
var passwords = [];
text.match(rpassword) && text.match(rpassword).forEach(function(password){
passwords.push(password.replace(rpassword, "$5"));
var path = '';
text.match(rpath) && text.match(rpath).forEach(function(tpath){
path = tpath.replace(rpath, "$5");
var port = '';
text.match(rport) && text.match(rport).forEach(function(tport) {
port = tport.replace(rport, "$5");
console.log('sftp://' +
usernames.slice(-1).pop() + ':' +
passwords.slice(-1).pop() + '@' +
hosts.slice(-1).pop() +
(port ? ':' + port : '') +
(path ? '/' + path : '')
console.log('ssh ' +
usernames.slice(-1).pop() + '@' +
hosts.slice(-1).pop() +
(port ? '-p ' + port : '')
2.You can paste a URL to Host box on Quickconnect bar. Once you click Quickconnect button, the URL is parsed into Host, Username, Password and Port.
docs ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/standards/RFC/rfc959.txt https://superuser.com/questions/1378298/how-to-use-ftp-link-url-with-filezilla