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Last active January 8, 2018 05:14
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Magic Squares

Script to find all the Magic Squares for the numbers 3-11 and the sum 21.

my $boxes = (3..11).permutations;
my $magic = 21; 

for $boxes.grep(&magic-square) -> @box {
    for @box.rotor(3) -> @row {
        say @row.fmt('%2d');
    print "\n";

sub magic-square( \nums ) { 
    $magic == nums[0] + nums[1] + nums[2]
 && $magic == nums[3] + nums[4] + nums[5]
 && $magic == nums[6] + nums[7] + nums[8]
 && $magic == nums[0] + nums[3] + nums[6]
 && $magic == nums[1] + nums[4] + nums[7]
 && $magic == nums[2] + nums[5] + nums[8]
 && $magic == nums[0] + nums[4] + nums[8]
 && $magic == nums[6] + nums[4] + nums[2]

say "Completed in {now - INIT now} seconds"

There are 8 Magic Squares in total.

Of course, they are all just mirrored/flipped versions of the first one, so we can cheat a little.

my $boxes = (3..11).permutations;
my $magic = 21;

# get the first permutation that satisfies magic-square()
with $boxes.first(&magic-square).rotor(3) -> @box {
    # transpose (zip), reverse, and mirror the rows to create the other permutations
    # original
    box-print( @box );
    # transposed
    box-print( [Z] @box );
    # reversed original
    box-print( @box.reverse );
    # reversed transposed
    box-print( [Z] @box.reverse );
    # original, mirrored
    box-print( *.reverse );
    # transposed, mirrored
    box-print( [Z] *.reverse );
    # reversed original, mirrored
    box-print( *.reverse );
    # reversed transposed, mirrored
    box-print( [Z] *.reverse );

sub box-print( @box ) {
    for @box -> @row {
        say @row.fmt('%2d');
    print "\n";

sub magic-square( \nums ) { 
    $magic == nums[0] + nums[1] + nums[2]
 && $magic == nums[3] + nums[4] + nums[5]
 && $magic == nums[6] + nums[7] + nums[8]
 && $magic == nums[0] + nums[3] + nums[6]
 && $magic == nums[1] + nums[4] + nums[7]
 && $magic == nums[2] + nums[5] + nums[8]
 && $magic == nums[0] + nums[4] + nums[8]
 && $magic == nums[6] + nums[4] + nums[2]

say "Completed in {now - INIT now} seconds"
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