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Last active December 16, 2019 20:03
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Create real-time/inline translator for VoIP calls.

Create real-time/inline translator for VoIP calls

Hey! Surely everybody tested Skype Translator and liked it,So if you want your own continue.

Break down the language barrier with your friends, family and colleagues.

Translate voice calls and video calls in 7 languages and instant messages in over 50!

Skype Translator uses machine learning. So the more you use it, the better it gets.

Skype Translator screenshot

The idea


Merely :

Get the speech and convert to Text (Speech Recognition) and translating it then send the translated text to TTS (Text to speech).


  1. Speech to text.
  2. Translate the output of Step no.1.
  3. Speak the output of Step no.2.


  1. Speech Recognition.
  2. TTS (Text to speech).
  3. Translation Service.


Support more than 40 international and local language (Google Translation as example).

it depends on Translation Service.

Too fast,It uses very few resources of RAM and processor.

it also depends on server resources.

Support all interface.

I think Requirements are available for :

  • Websites.
  • Smart phones.
  • Raspberry Pi and Arduino.
  • All operating system.
  • VoIP (Voice over IP) systems.


I've some Demonstrations.

Web Clients:

Inline Translator web clients version.

Project Repository.

More Demonstrations coming up soon ..


xC0d3rZ on Facebook.

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