Go to https://claude.ai/chat/new (or any other chat you had in the past).
Then run this code:
function printClaude() { // (C) 2024 by ZeroWw. If you use this code, just give me some credit.
const centralPart = document.getElementsByClassName('mb-1 mt-1')[1].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
if (centralPart) {
// Create a new window for printing
const printWindow = window.open('', '_blank', `width=${window.screen.width * 0.85},height=${window.screen.height * 0.85},left=${window.screen.width * 0.075},top=${window.screen.height * 0.045}`);
// Get the stylesheets of the current page
const styles = Array.from(document.styleSheets).map(styleSheet=>{
try {
return Array.from(styleSheet.cssRules).map(rule=>rule.cssText).join('\n');
} catch (e) {
console.error('Error occurred while getting stylesheet rules', e);
return '';
ss = `:root {
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printWindow.document.write('<html><head><title>Claude_' + new Date().getTime() + '</title>');
printWindow.document.write('<style>' + ss + styles + '</style>');
// remove disclaimer
elem = printWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]
// remove reply to claude
elem = printWindow.document.getElementsByClassName('border-0.5 border-border-300 flex')
elem2 = elem[elem.length - 1];
// remove copy/paste elements
var elem = Array.from(printWindow.document.getElementsByClassName('absolute -bottom-0 -right-1.5 sm:right-2'));
var elem2 = Array.from(printWindow.document.getElementsByClassName('absolute -bottom-0 left-[2.3rem]'));
elem2 = Array.from(printWindow.document.getElementsByClassName('sticky bottom-0 mx-auto w-full pt-6'));
setTimeout(printWindow.print.bind(printWindow), 3000);
} else {
console.error('Central part not found!');
You can also add it as a bookmarklet in your browser:
javascript:(function(){var a=document.getElementsByClassName("mb-1 mt-1")[1].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;if(a){const b=window.open("","_blank",`width=${.85*window.screen.width},height=${.85*window.screen.height},left=${.075*window.screen.width},top=${.045*window.screen.height}`),e=Array.from(document.styleSheets).map(c=>{try{return Array.from(c.cssRules).map(d=>d.cssText).join("\n")}catch(d){return console.error("Error occurred while getting stylesheet rules",d),""}}).join("\n");b.document.write("<html><head><title>Claude_"+(new Date).getTime()+"</title>");b.document.write("<style>:root {\n --text-000: 49 6.9% 5.5%;\n --text-100: 49 19.6% 13.3%;\n --text-200: 49 18.8% 20%;\n --text-300: 49 9% 30%;\n --text-400: 49 7% 37%;\n --text-500: 51 7.5% 42.1%;\n --accent-main-000: 15 52.7% 43.9%;\n --accent-main-100: 16 53.8% 47.5%;\n --accent-main-200: 15 55.6% 52.4%;\n --accent-secondary-000: 210 74.2% 42.1%;\n --accent-secondary-100: 210 74.8% 49.8%;\n --accent-secondary-200: 210 74.8% 57%;\n --accent-secondary-900: 210 68.8% 93.3%;\n --accent-pro-000: 251 34.2% 33.3%;\n --accent-pro-100: 251 40% 45.1%;\n --accent-pro-200: 251 61% 72.2%;\n --accent-pro-900: 253 33.3% 91.8%;\n --oncolor-100: 0 0% 100%;\n --bg-000: 60 6.7% 97.1%;\n --bg-100: 50 23.1% 94.9%;\n --bg-200: 49 26.8% 92%;\n --bg-300: 49 25.8% 87.8%;\n --bg-400: 46 28.3% 82%;\n --bg-500: 47 27% 71%;\n --accent-main-900: 15 48% 90.2%;\n --border-100: 48 12.5% 39.2%;\n --border-200: 48 12.5% 39.2%;\n --border-300: 48 12.5% 39.2%;\n --oncolor-200: 60 6.7% 97.1%;\n --oncolor-300: 60 6.7% 97.1%;\n --border-400: 48 12.5% 39.2%;\n --danger-000: 5 74% 28%;\n --danger-100: 5 73.9% 37.7%;\n --danger-200: 5 49.5% 58%;\n --danger-900: 0 40.3% 89%\n --white: 0 0% 100%;\n --black: 0 0% 0%;\n --kraft: 25 49.7% 66.5%;\n --book-cloth: 15 52.3% 58%;\n --manilla: 40 54% 82.9%\n }"+e+"</style>");b.document.write("</head><body>");b.document.write(a.innerHTML);b.document.write("</body></html>");a=b.document.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];a.parentElement.removeChild(a);a=b.document.getElementsByClassName("border-0.5 border-border-300 flex");a=a[a.length-1];a.parentElement.removeChild(a);a=Array.from(b.document.getElementsByClassName("absolute -bottom-0 -right-1.5 sm:right-2"));a.forEach(c=>c.parentElement.removeChild(c));a=Array.from(b.document.getElementsByClassName("absolute -bottom-0 left-[2.3rem]"));a.forEach(c=>c.parentElement.removeChild(c));a=Array.from(b.document.getElementsByClassName("sticky bottom-0 mx-auto w-full pt-6"));a.forEach(c=>c.parentElement.removeChild(c));setTimeout(b.print.bind(b),3E3)}else console.error("Central part not found!")})();