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Last active April 10, 2017 19:28
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Haskell Sudoku solver
import Data.List (intersect, (\\))
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
digits = ['1'..'9']
blank = '0'
complexity = sum . map (length . filter (/= blank))
rows = id
cols [xs] = [[x] | x <- xs]
cols (xs : xss) = zipWith (:) xs (cols xss)
group [] = []
group xs = take 3 xs : group (drop 3 xs)
boxes = map concat . concatMap cols . group . map group
choices = map (map choice)
where choice d = if d == blank then digits else [d]
unchoices = map (concatMap unchoice)
where unchoice x = if length x > 1 then [blank] else x
complete = all (all singleton)
where singleton [d] = True
singleton _ = False
safe m = all ok (rows m) && all ok (cols m) && all ok (boxes m)
where ok row = nodups [d | [d] <- row]
nodups [] = True
nodups (x : xs) = x `notElem` xs && nodups xs
uniqueRow row = map fix row
where fix x = let z = uniques `intersect` x
in if null z then x else z
uniques = filter (\x -> length (filter (== x) $ concat row) == 1) digits
combinations 0 _ = [[]]
combinations _ [] = []
combinations n xs@(y:ys)
| n < 0 = []
| otherwise =
case drop (n-1) xs of
[ ] -> []
[_] -> [xs]
_ -> [y:c | c <- combinations (n-1) ys] ++ combinations n ys
pairs [] = []
pairs xs = zipWith (\ c1 c2 -> [c1, c2]) xs (tail xs)
localize pp x = zipWith g uu x
where uu = map (\z -> length $ pp `intersect` z) x
len = length pp
ok = all (\z -> z == 0 || z == len) uu && length (filter (== len) uu) == len
g 0 z = z
g n z = if ok then pp else z
pruneRow row = uniqueRow $ map (remove fixed) row
where fixed = [d | [d] <- row]
singles = digits \\ fixed
remove xs [d] = [d]
remove xs ds = filter (`notElem` xs) ds
g ps x = foldr localize x ps
simplifyRow row = g (pairs singles) row
where fixed = [d | [d] <- row]
singles = digits \\ fixed
remove xs [d] = [d]
remove xs ds = filter (`notElem` xs) ds
g ps x = foldr localize x ps
allSameRow digit = map z
where h x = map (any (elem digit)) (group x)
z x = if length (filter id hx) == 1
then Just . length $ takeWhile not hx else Nothing
where hx = h x
removeDigitInRow digit row box = concat $ left ++ (removeDigit r : right)
where (left, r:right) = splitAt row (group box)
removeDigit = map (filter (/= digit))
boxRowConstraint digit boxes = zipWith g known boxes
where g Nothing z = foldr (removeDigitInRow digit) z (catMaybes known)
g _ z = z
known = allSameRow digit boxes
crossConstraint x = foldr f x digits
where f d y = boxes $ concatMap (boxRowConstraint d) (group $ boxes y)
fixPoint f x
| fx == x = x
| otherwise = fixPoint f fx
where fx = f x
prune = reduce . simplAll . fixPoint pruneAll
where pruneBy f = f . map pruneRow . f
simplBy f = f . map simplifyRow . f
pruneAll = pruneBy boxes . pruneBy cols . pruneBy rows
simplAll = simplBy boxes . simplBy cols . simplBy rows
reduce = cols . crossConstraint . cols . crossConstraint
expand rows = [rows1 ++ [row1 ++ [c] : row2] ++ rows2 | c <- cs]
where (rows1, row : rows2) = break (any smallest) rows
(row1, cs : row2) = break smallest row
smallest cs = length cs == n
n = minimum (counts rows)
counts = filter (/= 1) . map length . concat
search m
| not (safe m') = []
| complete m' = [unchoices m']
| otherwise = concatMap search (expand m')
where m' = prune m
solve = search . choices
solveNoGuess = unchoices . prune . choices
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