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Hermit name Advancement title Requirement(s)
BDoubleO Sneaky Real Estate killed a villager in a village
BDoubleO Taxman picked up a stack of/64 emeralds
BDoubleO The Old School Way fish in a boat
Biffa Advanced Brewing drink a healing potion named "English Breakfast Tea"
Biffa Biffa's Bowl throw a bowl in to a (deep) ocean named "Biffa's Bowl"
Biffa The Agency make a potion called "tea" or "Tea"
ZombieCleo All The Fish get a fish, a salmon, a clownfish and a pufferfish
ZombieCleo Reuniting With Friends call a zombie "Carol" with a nametag
ZombieCleo Rainbow Companion name sheeps as jeb_
Cubfan135 Birchfella chop 500 birch logs
Cubfan135 Desert Destroyer mine 2000 sand
Cubfan135 Volcanic Safety stand on a magma block with frost walker boots on
Docm Doctor Undead cure five zombie villagers
Docm Legitimate Shells kill a shulker
Docm The Paper Trade have 1280 paper in the inventory
Etho Redstone Pro have all redstone items (dispenser, sticky piston, piston, lever, stone pressure plate, wooden pressure plate, redstone torch, stone button, redstone lamp, tripwire hook, wooden button, light weighted pressure plate, heavy weighted pressure plate, daylight detector, redstone block, hopper, dropper, observer, redstone, repeater, comparator, trapped chest)
Etho Diamonds burn a diamond in lava
Etho Dragon slayer kill an ender dragon
False False's Flowers place all the flowers (dandelion, poppy, orchid, allium, houstonia, red tulip, orange tulip, white tulip, pink tulip, oxeye daisy, sunflower, syringa, double rose, paeonia)
False Jellyfish Crown capture a ghast in a minecart
False PvP Pro! break a shield
general A True Hermit finish all the hermit advancements
general Stuff & Things place ALL BLOCKS (not bedrock) in the game
Hypno Build a temple! place 100 stone bricks in a jungle
Hypno Make it green! place 10 emerald blocks in a jungle
Hypno To The Jungle! have 30 jungle saplings in your inventory
iJevin King of Emeralds mine 47 emerald ore
iJevin Pink Death obtain 1000 wool
iJevin You are what you kill kill 1000 slimes
Impulse Experienced Farmer get 100 levels
Impulse Guardian Slayer kill 50 guardians
Impulse Build us a Witch farm kill 25 witches
Jessassin Build a dome underwater place 64 glass blocks underwater
Jessassin Drain it! place 16 sponges
Jessassin Going Underwater drink a water breathing potion
JoeHills Open an art gallery place all types of paintings
JoeHills Field of Dreams harvest 1919 wheats
JoeHills Poet have a written and writeable book (or just sign a book)
Keralis Booshes place two stacks of/128 leaf blocks
Keralis Bow Baddies kill 49 skeletons
Keralis Nametag! call a horse "Nametag" with a nametag
Mumbo Death Machine die 18 times in about 3 minutes
Mumbo Remixed! place a sugarcane, a slab, a double slab and a stone brick
Mumbo Who's a spoon? obtain a diamond shovel called "spoon" or "Spoon"
Python Emerald Beacon make a beacon with an emerald base
Python Master Trader trade 100 times
Python Penta-Beacon make five beacons
Rendog A True Logfella have 500 oak logs in your inventory
Rendog Logolass have a diamond axe called "Logolass"
Rendog Urenium have a magma block called "Urenium"
Scar Join the 5k Club! travel 5000km with an elytra
Scar Finding Jelly tame an ocelot
Scar Growing leaves place all types of wood saplings (oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak)
Stressmonster The Allium Alliance have 100 allium flowers in your inventory
Stressmonster Spooky Swamp place a Jack-O-Lantern in a swamp
Stressmonster Victoria The Sheep name a sheep "Victoria"
TangoTek A New Home be inside a 16-block-radius of a shulker in the overworld, that has not given the advancement to someone else already
TangoTek Boombox backfire die from a TNT explosion
TangoTek Time to farm kill 10 iron golems
TinFoilChef Cluck Cluck eat 64 cooked chicken
TinFoilChef Lord Of The Grind mine 500 diamond ore
TinFoilChef The Mining King mine 500 obsidian
VintageBeef Beef in Space go over 1000 in the y-axis
VintageBeef The Beef's Knees die from fall damage
VintageBeef Raw Beef! eat 100 raw beef
Welsknight Dwarven Mine mine 10000 stone
Welsknight Ender Ender kill 1000 endermen
Welsknight White Knight ride a horse while wearing full iron armour
xBCrafted And another one be inside a mansion
xBCrafted Make it your home mine all different kinds of blocks found inside an ocean monument while in an ocean monument
xBCrafted Wololo name a evocation illager ("evoker") with a nametag "Wololo"
Xisuma Embrace the void fly below 64 in the y-axis and come back above 0 in the y-axis
Xisuma Here's Johnny be killed by a vindication illager ("vindicator") named "Johnny"
Xisuma Trading Woes be killed by a villager
Zedaph Mouse Mode "crawl" in a 1-block-high space with an elytra
Zedaph Naked Boom be hurt by a creeper
Zedaph Top Fun fly with a sheep
Iskall85 A Noob's Death die to a magma cube
Iskall85 Dirty Diorite burn diorite
Iskall85 Iskallium have a slime block called "Iskallium" in your inventory
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