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Ahmed 0x3bfc

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0x3bfc /
Created July 5, 2022 08:20 — forked from 0xjac/
Create a private fork of a public repository

The repository for the assignment is public and Github does not allow the creation of private forks for public repositories.

The correct way of creating a private frok by duplicating the repo is documented here.

For this assignment the commands are:

  1. Create a bare clone of the repository. (This is temporary and will be removed so just do it wherever.)

git clone --bare [email protected]:usi-systems/easytrace.git

0x3bfc /
Created April 28, 2021 14:44 — forked from mobilemind/
how to delete a git tag locally and remote
# delete local tag '12345'
git tag -d 12345
# delete remote tag '12345' (eg, GitHub version too)
git push origin :refs/tags/12345
# alternative approach
git push --delete origin tagName
git tag -d tagName
0x3bfc /
Created December 16, 2019 10:21 — forked from jonjack/
Adding & Updating GitHub Access Token on Mac

As outlined here, there are a couple of situations where you need to authenticate with GitHub by using an Acces Token:-

  1. If you have Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) enabled.
  2. You are accessing an organisations protected content using SAML Single-Sign On (SSO).

Create an Access Token

In your GitHub account, go to Settings / Developer settings / Personal access tokens and select Generate New Token. Make a note of the token somewhere safe since this is the only chance you get to see it.

Add the token to your local OSX Key Chain

0x3bfc / resources.txt
Created May 17, 2019 08:39 — forked from kendricktan/resources.txt
RangeProof Resources
# Papers
## BulletProof Original Paper
# Things Intentionally Left Out
## Fiat Shamir
## Pederson Commitments

Previously described at: ERC20 critical problems medium article.


ERC20 is the most common Ethereum token standard. It should be noted that it is also the first Ethereum's token standard as well.

It is also important that the original ERC20 proposal is a definition of token interface. EIP20 does not define a reference implementation for this token standard. Here is OpenZeppelin implementation of ERC20 token:

ERC20 token standard implementation assumes two ways of token transferring: (1) transfer function and (2) approve + transferFrom pattern.

0x3bfc /
Created April 2, 2018 16:57 — forked from nolash/
Working build configuration for truebit proof-of-concept "coindrop" example


  • LLVM_CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLVM_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=WebAssembly" emsdk install sdk-tag-1.37.28-64bit (be patient!)

To activate correct paths for emscripten and dependencies use:

  • ./emsdk activate sdk-tag-1.37.28-64bit
  • ./
0x3bfc /
Created October 28, 2017 14:14 — forked from keis/
asyncio examples
import asyncio
def waiting(r):
print("hello from waiting -", r)
yield from asyncio.sleep(2)
print("bye from waiting -", r)
return r