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Created March 31, 2022 07:38
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Call winapis from chai script
#include <string>
#include <chaiscript/chaiscript.hpp>
unsigned int proxy_LoadLibraryA(unsigned int libName)
return (unsigned int)LoadLibraryA((char*)libName);
unsigned int proxy_GetProcAddress(unsigned int module,unsigned int procName)
return (unsigned int)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)module, (char*)procName);
unsigned int ExecMem4(unsigned int mem, unsigned int a, unsigned int b, unsigned int c, unsigned int d)
_asm {
push a
push b
push c
push d
call [mem]
unsigned int CSTR(const std::string& text)
return (unsigned int)text.c_str();
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR cmd, int n) {
chaiscript::ChaiScript chai;
chai.add(chaiscript::fun(&proxy_LoadLibraryA), "LoadLibraryA");
chai.add(chaiscript::fun(&proxy_GetProcAddress), "GetProcAddress");
chai.add(chaiscript::fun(&ExecMem4), "ExecMem4");
chai.add(chaiscript::fun(&CSTR), "CSTR");
try {
def CallWinApi(lib, name, args)
var mod = LoadLibraryA(CSTR(lib));
var proc = GetProcAddress(mod, CSTR(name));
case (4){
ExecMem4(proc, args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3]);
default {
//not implemented yet
CallWinApi("user32.dll","MessageBoxA", [0, CSTR("hi"),CSTR("chai"),0]);
catch (const chaiscript::exception::eval_error& e) {
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