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Last active July 25, 2021 12:54
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mercurius-js/mercurius #424
import Fastify from "fastify";
import mercurius, { IResolvers, MercuriusContext } from "mercurius"
const example = Fastify()
const schema = `
extend type Query {
test: Boolean!
type TestEvent{
userId: Int!
extend type Subscription {
testEvent: TestEvent!
const resolvers: IResolvers<any, { userId?: string } & MercuriusContext> = {
Query: {
test: () => true
Subscription: {
testEvent: {
resolve: (data, args, { userId }) => {
console.log("resolve called with userId", userId)
return {userId}
// @ts-ignore
subscribe: async (root, args, { pubsub, userId }) => {
setInterval(() => pubsub.publish({topic: `testEvent-${userId}`, payload: {}}))
return await pubsub.subscribe(`testEvent-${userId}`)
example.register(mercurius, {
path: '/',
graphiql: 'playground',
subscription: {
onConnect: ({ payload }) => {
console.log("onConnect called with payload", payload)
return {
userId: payload.userId
onDisconnect: () => {
console.log("onDisconnect called")
federationMetadata: true,
example.listen(1026).then(() => {
const gateway = Fastify();
gateway.register(mercurius, {
gateway: {
services: [{ wsUrl: "ws://localhost:1026/", name: "example", url: "http://localhost:1026/" }]
path: '/',
graphiql: 'playground',
subscription: true
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