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Last active February 23, 2024 12:20
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Estimate C4 payout


I noticed there's a better alternative here


This is a script that can be used to estimate your rewards form HMs submissions on C4. In order to use it fill out in the .env file:

  • HMS_POT - the HM awards for the contest
  • CONTEST_NAME - can be also partial name, but best to use the full name to avoid dupes (e.g. 2024-01-renft)
  • GH_ACCESS_TOKEN - it has to be a classic token with the repo scope permissions, not a fine-grained token. The fine-grained tokens don't support reading private repos that you don't own.

Note this script is far from being perfect, I created it in the past in order to get an estimation of my C4 rewards and didn't maintain it much. I don't guarantee that anything here is accurate or works as intended.

# Generate a GH classic token with the repo scope, and paste it below
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from typing import NamedTuple
from dataclasses import dataclass
import dataclasses as dcs
from enum import Enum, IntEnum
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from github import Github, Repository
import os
import json
import logging
class EnhancedJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
if dcs.is_dataclass(o):
return dcs.asdict(o)
return super().default(o)
class Risk(IntEnum):
HIGH = 3
MED = 2
QA = 1
GAS = 0
def __lt__(self, other):
if self.__class__ is other.__class__:
return self.value < other.value
return NotImplemented
class Label(Enum):
PRIMARY_ISSUE = 'primary issue'
SELECTED = 'selected for report'
SPONSOR_CONFIRMED = 'sponsor confirmed'
PARTIAL_75 = 'partial-75'
PARTIAL_50 = 'partial-50'
PARTIAL_25 = 'partial-25'
UNSATISFACTORY = 'unsatisfactory'
class Issue:
is_selected: bool
gh_issue_number: int
bug_id: int
risk: Risk
warden : str
title: str
is_hm: bool # is high or med
share: float
is_confirmed: bool
credit_percent: float
payout: float
class HMBug(NamedTuple):
primary_issue_number: int
dupes_nums: list[int]
dupes_wardens: list[str]
risk: Risk
title: str
token = os.environ.get("GH_ACCESS_TOKEN")
FINDINGS = 'findings'
g = Github(token)
'3 (High Risk)': Risk.HIGH,
'2 (Med Risk)':Risk.MED,
'QA (Quality Assurance)': Risk.QA,
'G (Gas Optimization)': Risk.GAS
Risk.MED: 3.0,
Risk.HIGH: 10.0
DUPLICATE = 'duplicate-'
def get_risk(labels: list[str]) -> Risk:
for l in labels:
if l in RISK_DICT:
return RISK_DICT[l]
def get_primary_issue_id(labels: list[str]):
for l in labels:
if DUPLICATE in l:
str_num = l.replace(DUPLICATE, '')
return int(str_num)
def search_repo(name: str) -> Repository:
for repo in g.get_user().get_repos():
if name in and FINDINGS in
return repo
def get_issues_mapping_efficiently(repo: Repository):
id_to_handler: dict[int, str] = {}
contents = repo.get_contents('data')
paths: list[str] = [c.path for c in contents]
clean_paths = [p.replace('data/','').replace('.json', '').replace('-Q', '') for p in paths]
for p in clean_paths:
if '.md' in p:
parts = p.split('-')
iid_str = parts[-1]
handler = '-'.join(parts[:-1])
iid = int(iid_str)
id_to_handler[iid] = handler
except ValueError:
return id_to_handler
def get_issues(repo: Repository) -> list[Issue]:
gh_issues = repo.get_issues(state='all')
iid2handler = get_issues_mapping_efficiently(repo)
issues: list[Issue] = []
for gh_issue in gh_issues:
labels = [ for l in gh_issue.labels]
if Label.UNSATISFACTORY in labels:
issue_number = gh_issue.number
warden = iid2handler[issue_number]
bug_id = issue_number
risk = get_risk(labels)
if risk is None:
logging.warn(f"skipping {issue_number} since it doesn't have a risk label")
is_hm = risk >= Risk.MED
is_selected = is_hm and gh_issue.state == 'open'
is_confirmed = Label.SPONSOR_CONFIRMED.value in labels
if is_hm:
if is_selected:
if Label.SELECTED.value not in labels:
logging.warn(f"Warning: #{issue_number} is open but not labeled as selected (considering it selected)")
bug_id = get_primary_issue_id(labels)
title = gh_issue.title
credit =1.0
if Label.PARTIAL_25.value in labels:
credit = 0.25
elif Label.PARTIAL_50.value in labels:
credit = 0.5
elif Label.PARTIAL_75.value in labels:
credit = 0.75
Issue(is_selected, issue_number, bug_id, risk, warden, title, is_hm, 0, is_confirmed, credit, 0)
except Exception as e:
logging.exception(f"failed for #{gh_issue.number}")
return issues
def issues_to_bugs(issues: list[Issue]) -> list[HMBug]:
bugs_dict = {i.gh_issue_number:HMBug(i.gh_issue_number, [], [],i.risk,i.title ) for i in issues if i.is_selected}
dupes = [i for i in issues if not i.is_selected]
for d in dupes:
bug = bugs_dict[d.bug_id]
return list(bugs_dict.values())
def main(keyword: str, hm_pot: float):
repo = search_repo(keyword)
issues = get_issues(repo)
hm_issues = [i for i in issues if i.is_hm]
hm_issues = [i for i in hm_issues if i.share > 0]
total_hm_shares = sum(i.share for i in hm_issues)
calculate_payout(hm_issues, hm_pot, total_hm_shares)
share_per_warden = get_shares_by_warden(hm_issues)
with open(f"{keyword}.out.json", "w") as file:
json.dump({'spw':share_per_warden,'total': total_hm_shares, 'issues': hm_issues}, file, cls=EnhancedJSONEncoder)
def count_dupes(issues: list[Issue]):
number2count = {}
for i in issues:
if i.bug_id not in number2count:
number2count[i.bug_id] = 0
number2count[i.bug_id] += 1
# number2count[i.bug_id] += i.credit_percent
return number2count
def get_shares_by_warden(issues: list[Issue]):
warden2share = {}
warden2payout = {}
for i in issues:
if i.warden not in warden2share:
warden2share[i.warden] = 0
warden2share[i.warden] += i.share
if i.warden not in warden2payout:
warden2payout[i.warden] = 0
warden2payout[i.warden] += i.payout
return {"share":warden2share, "payout":warden2payout}
def calculate_shares(issues: list[Issue], only_confirmed = True):
confirmed = [i.bug_id for i in issues if i.is_selected]
dupes_count = count_dupes(issues)
for i in issues:
if only_confirmed and i.bug_id not in confirmed:
dupes = dupes_count[i.bug_id]
share = (RISK_SHARE_DICT[i.risk] * 0.9 ** (dupes-1) / dupes) * i.credit_percent
if i.is_selected:
share *= 1.3
i.share = share
def calculate_payout(issues: list[Issue], hm_pot: float,total_hm_shares: float):
for i in issues:
if not i.is_hm:
i.payout = i.share * hm_pot / total_hm_shares
contest_name = os.environ.get("CONTEST_NAME")
hm_pot = int(os.environ.get("HMS_POT"))
main(contest_name, hm_pot)
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