The current code looks like this:
type Demo struct {
Field int
AnotherField string
We actually need to track the Thing
import { noise } from '@chainsafe/libp2p-noise'; | |
import { bootstrap } from '@libp2p/bootstrap'; | |
import { tcp } from '@libp2p/tcp'; | |
import { webSockets } from '@libp2p/websockets'; | |
import { createLibp2p } from 'libp2p'; | |
import { yamux } from '@chainsafe/libp2p-yamux'; | |
import { floodsub } from '@libp2p/floodsub'; | |
import { createFromJSON } from '@libp2p/peer-id-factory'; | |
const node1 = { |
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT | |
pragma solidity ^0.8.0; | |
import {UD60x18} from "@prb/math/UD60x18.sol"; | |
import {SD59x18} from "@prb/math/SD59x18.sol"; | |
library PRBMathRounding { | |
SD59x18 constant iONE = SD59x18.wrap(1e18); | |
SD59x18 constant iTEN = SD59x18.wrap(10e18); | |
UD60x18 constant ONE_THOUSAND = UD60x18.wrap(1000e18); |
async function getEvent(tx: any, event: string) { | |
let receipt = await tx.wait(); | |
return => { | |
return x.event == event; | |
}); | |
} | |
async function getEventArgs(tx: any, event: string) { | |
return (await getEvent(tx, event))[0].args; | |
} |
The current code looks like this:
type Demo struct {
Field int
AnotherField string
We actually need to track the Thing
var returnedArray = []; | |
if (cluster.isMaster) { | |
console.log(`Master ${} is running`); | |
// Fork workers | |
for (let i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) { | |
const worker = cluster.fork(); | |
} | |
} else { | |'/api/multiThread', (req, res) => { |
const spawnedProcess = spawn('python3', ['./python/']) | |
var referenceJson = { turfs: [] } | |
spawnedProcess.stderr | |
.on('data', (data) => { | |
console.log(`error:${data}`); | |
res.sendStatus(500) | |
}) | |
.on('close', () => { | |
try { |
const spawnedProcess = spawn('python3', ['./python/']) | |
spawnedProcess.stderr | |
.on('data', (data) => { | |
console.log(`error:${data}`); | |
res.sendStatus(500) | |
}) | |
.on('close', () => { | |
try { | |
createInterface({ |
function draw() { | |
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); | |
if (canvas.getContext) { | |
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); | |
ctx.beginPath(); | |
var scale = 10; | |
var spacing = 20; |
// Note this only shows the function being called in the parent component. The child component | |
// passes the event and contract address to the parent... I can make this more complete if requested... | |
uploadFile = async (event, contractAddress) => { | |
event.stopPropagation(); | |
event.preventDefault(); | |
const { web3, accounts } = this.state; |
// Swap Case | |
// Below is a function that takes in a string and reverses the case of every character and returns the new string. | |
// It is currently in a broken state and does not run properly. | |
// It is possible to fix the code by only modifying the existing code, not adding new lines. | |
//test data | |
//'This Is An Example' becomes 'tHIS iS aN eXAMPLE' | |
//'boB rOss IS thE OrIgInAl GanGster' Becomes 'BOb RoSS is THe oRiGiNaL gANgSTER' | |
function caseReverse(str) { |