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Last active November 2, 2022 21:07
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Test 1Hive's Conviction Voting update of maxRatio parameter to 20%
import hre, { ethers } from 'hardhat';
import { BigNumber, Contract } from 'ethers';
import { expect } from 'chai';
const gardenHolder = '0x5b0F8D8f47E3fDF7eE1c337AbCA19dBba98524e6';
const gardenVoters = [
const somebodyElse = "0x02d9cc72Bc796D2128E58c04B6e50A4E101c0be1"
const hny = "0x71850b7E9Ee3f13Ab46d67167341E4bDc905Eef9"
const retroactiveFundingMultisig = "0xe6a1b6B98dc978888b0c83DbA2D5fabcF5069312"
const commonPool = "0x4ba7362F9189572CbB1216819a45aba0d0B2D1CB"
describe('Test Conviction Voting Update', () => {
before('return funds to common pool and executes the vote #13', async () => {
// Return common pool funds
const multisig = await impersonateAddress(retroactiveFundingMultisig);
const token = new Contract(hny, [
"function transfer(address,uint256) external returns (bool)",
"function balanceOf(address) view returns (uint256)"
], multisig)
const multisigBalance = await token.balanceOf(retroactiveFundingMultisig)
await (await token.transfer(commonPool, multisigBalance)).wait()
// Execute vote #13
const signer = await impersonateAddress(gardenHolder);
const voting = new Contract("0xfbd0b2726070a9d6aff6d7216c9e9340eae68b2a", [
"function vote(uint256 _voteId, bool _supports) external",
"function executeVote(uint256 _voteId, bytes _executionScript) external"
], signer)
const voteId = 13
const executionScript = "0x000000010b21081c6f8b1990f53fc76279cc41ba22d7afe200000084c35ac76d00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009895b700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001e848000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009c400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002c68af0bb140000"
for (const gardenVoter of gardenVoters) {
await voting
.connect(await impersonateAddress(gardenVoter))
.vote(voteId, true, { gasLimit: 10_000_000 });
await increase(String(30 * 24 * 60 * 60));
await (await voting.executeVote(voteId, executionScript)).wait();
it('new conviction settings are correct', async () => {
const signer = await impersonateAddress(gardenHolder);
const conviction = new Contract("0x0b21081c6f8b1990f53fc76279cc41ba22d7afe2", [
"function decay() view returns (uint256)",
"function maxRatio() view returns (uint256)",
"function minThresholdStakePercentage() view returns (uint256)",
"function weight() view returns (uint256)",
], signer)
expect(await conviction.decay()).to.equal(9999799)
expect(await conviction.maxRatio()).to.equal(2000000)
expect(await conviction.weight()).to.equal(2500)
expect((await conviction.minThresholdStakePercentage()).toString()).to.equal("200000000000000000")
it('do not allow to execute a proposal with more than 20% of common pool tokens', async () => {
const signer = await impersonateAddress(gardenHolder);
const conviction = new Contract("0x0b21081c6f8b1990f53fc76279cc41ba22d7afe2", [
"function calculateThreshold(uint256 _requestedAmount) view returns (uint256 _threshold)",
], signer)
await expect(conviction.calculateThreshold(BigNumber.from(10).pow(18).mul(2000)))"CV_AMOUNT_OVER_MAX_RATIO");
it('allow to pass a proposal after enough time', async () => {
const signer = await impersonateAddress(gardenHolder);
const conviction = new Contract("0x0b21081c6f8b1990f53fc76279cc41ba22d7afe2", [
"function proposalCounter() view returns (uint256)",
"function addProposal(string _title, bytes _link, uint256 _requestedAmount, bool _stableRequestAmount, address _beneficiary)",
"function stakeToProposal(uint256 _proposalId, uint256 _amount)",
"function executeProposal(uint256 _proposalId)",
"event ProposalExecuted(uint256 indexed id, uint256 conviction)",
], signer)
const proposalId = await conviction.proposalCounter()
await (await conviction.addProposal("Test proposal", "0x", BigNumber.from(10).pow(18).mul(50), false, somebodyElse)).wait()
for (const gardenVoter of gardenVoters) {
await conviction
.connect(await impersonateAddress(gardenVoter))
.stakeToProposal(proposalId, BigNumber.from(10).pow(18).mul(400), { gasLimit: 10_000_000 });
await increase(String(30 * 24 * 60 * 60)); // 30 days
await expect(conviction.executeProposal(proposalId)).to.emit(conviction, "ProposalExecuted");
it('do not allow to pass a proposal quickly', async () => {
const signer = await impersonateAddress(gardenHolder);
const conviction = new Contract("0x0b21081c6f8b1990f53fc76279cc41ba22d7afe2", [
"function proposalCounter() view returns (uint256)",
"function addProposal(string _title, bytes _link, uint256 _requestedAmount, bool _stableRequestAmount, address _beneficiary)",
"function stakeToProposal(uint256 _proposalId, uint256 _amount)",
"function executeProposal(uint256 _proposalId)",
], signer)
const proposalId = await conviction.proposalCounter()
await (await conviction.addProposal("Test proposal", "0x", BigNumber.from(10).pow(18).mul(300), false, somebodyElse)).wait()
for (const gardenVoter of gardenVoters) {
await conviction
.connect(await impersonateAddress(gardenVoter))
.stakeToProposal(proposalId, BigNumber.from(10).pow(18).mul(300), { gasLimit: 10_000_000 });
await increase(String(10 * 60)); // 10 minutes
await expect( conviction.executeProposal(proposalId))"CV_INSUFFICIENT_CONVICION");
export const impersonateAddress = async (address: string) => {
method: "hardhat_impersonateAccount",
params: [address],
const signer = await ethers.provider.getSigner(address);
return signer;
export const increase = async (duration: string | BigNumber) => {
if (!ethers.BigNumber.isBigNumber(duration)) {
duration = ethers.BigNumber.from(duration);
if (duration.isNegative()) throw Error(`Cannot increase time by a negative amount (${duration})`);
method: "evm_increaseTime",
params: [duration.toNumber()],
method: "evm_mine",
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