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Forked from buptczq/
Created January 17, 2021 14:03
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QQ URL detect
import hashlib
import struct
import sqlite3
def md5hash(buf):
return hashlib.md5(buf.encode("utf-16")[2:]).digest()
def md5cmp(buf, postfix, a1, a2, a3, a4):
if len(buf) < postfix:
return False
index = 0
while index <= (len(buf)-postfix):
md5 = md5hash(buf[index:index+postfix])
if md5 == struct.pack("<IIII", a1, a2, a3, a4):
return True
index += 1
return False
def detect(url):
urlbuf = url.upper()
return md5cmp(urlbuf, 23, 0x1C6389BA, 0xF2FA5666, 0xF2A2E0D3, 0xC892E7BA) or \
md5cmp(urlbuf, 34, 0xB829484C, 0x520F7CC3, 0x94EC8A73, 0xD808E79) or \
md5cmp(urlbuf, 30, 0xDDA1029, 0x9E67F3BB, 0xB18ACC45, 0x597CF438) or \
md5cmp(urlbuf, 21, 0x2564591C, 0x5B11347B, 0x846A0F72, 0xEF704A8)
conn = sqlite3.connect("History")
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("select url from urls")
count = 0
for row in cursor:
url = row[0]
if detect(url):
print('detect: ' + url)
count += 1
if count == 0:
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