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Created March 15, 2022 22:03
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  • Save 10maurycy10/7f60ab4b5dbf399e401340c19a333267 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save 10maurycy10/7f60ab4b5dbf399e401340c19a333267 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A script to remove Rippling MDM. take from right from /opt/rippling:
export PS4='+[$(date -u)][${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}]: ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'; set -x;
if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Rippling uninstall must be run by root"
exit 1
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.rippling.*
USER=$(stat -f "%Su" /dev/console)
su $USER -c 'launchctl remove com.rippling.tray'
sudo launchctl remove com.rippling.tray
sudo rm -rf /Applications/
sudo rm -rf '/Library/Application Support/Rippling/rippling_agent.json'
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.rippling.*
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchAgents/com.rippling.*
sudo rm -rf /opt/rippling /opt/rippling-readonly
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/rippling
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ LoginwindowText ""
sudo defaults delete /Library/Preferences/Rippling AuthToken
# To remove any profile installed by Rippling
for identifier in $(sudo profiles -Lv | grep profileIdentifier | grep 'com.rippling.*' | awk '{print $4}' )
do sudo profiles -R -p $identifier
sudo profiles -R -p "DD063D93-62A1-4BC6-A9C8-F48C4CBF2068" || true # The Rippling app notification profile
# Merciless uninstall of munki.
for pid in $(pgrep -f /usr/local/munki/)
echo "Killing munki process with pid: $pid"
kill -9 $pid || echo "No such process; $pid"
launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.googlecode.munki.*
rm -rf '/Applications/Utilities/Managed Software'
rm -rf '/Applications/Managed Software'
rm -rf '/Applications/Applications/Managed Software'
rm -rf '/Applications/'
rm -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.googlecode.munki.*
rm -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.rippling.munki.*
rm -f /Library/LaunchAgents/com.googlecode.munki.*
rm -rf '/Library/Managed Installs'
rm -rf /usr/local/munki
pkgutil --forget com.googlecode.munki.core
pkgutil --forget com.googlecode.munki.admin
pkgutil --forget
pkgutil --forget com.googlecode.munki.launchd
pkgutil --forget com.googlecode.munki
sudo profiles -R -p com.rippling.munki
# Uninstall Nudge
launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.macadmins.*
rm -rf '/Applications/Utilities/'
rm -f /Library/Preferences/com.github.macadmins.Nudge.json
pkgutil --forget com.github.macadmins.Nudge
# Uninstall pangolin
launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.rippling.daemon.plist
rm -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.rippling.daemon.plist
rm -rf /usr/local/rippling
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are some you might want to remove.

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Hi guys,

I'm fairly new to coding. What do I need to do to execute this code? I pasted the entire box on the Terminal and it didn't work. Thanks for your help!

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Hey @lalerimo

You can download this script as a zip file, and extract it

Then go to that folder in terminal and run the following two commands:

sudo chmod +x
sudo ./

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are some you might want to remove.

it works for you? any update?

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