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Created March 15, 2014 01:59
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Angular selector directive (LiveScript)
angular.module \app.directives .directive \selector, [
($compile, $parse, $templateCache, $appScope, $timeout)->
restrict: \A
templateUrl: \selector-template
replace: true
require: \?ngModel
scope: true
transclude: true
link: !($scope,element,attrs,model)->
[ elHidden
elOptions ] =
[ element.find \.hidden
element.find \.selector-button
element.find \.options ]
# events & bindings #
dropdownOptions = void
model?.$render = ->
$scope.value = model?.$viewValue
$scope.$watch \value, -> $scope.htmlValue = htmlValueOf it
$scope.$watch \lang, ->
$scope.options =
| attrs.options? => $scope |> ($parse attrs.options)
| _ => ( (elHidden.find \option).add (elHidden.find \.option)).toArray! |>
map ->
value: it.value or ($ it .data \value) or ''
html: it.innerHTML
$scope.htmlValue = htmlValueOf $scope.value
$scope.$watch \shown, ->
if it and not $scope.initialized
dropdownOptions := $scope |> $compile ( $ $templateCache.get \selector-options-template .appendTo $ \body )
$scope.initialized = yes
$timeout ->
if $scope.shown
$appScope.$broadcast \hideSelectors, element
, 1
$scope.$on \popupClicked, (it, event)->
if not ($ event?.target)?.parents \.selector-container .is \div
$scope.shown = no
$scope.$on \popupHide, (it, event)->
$scope.shown = no
$scope.$on \hideSelectors, (it, el)->
if el isnt element
$scope.shown = no
$scope.$on \$destroy, ->
if attrs.options
$scope.$watch "#{attrs.options}", ->
$scope.options = $scope |> $parse attrs.options
#$scope.$watch \options, ->
#console.log \OPTIONS:, it
# functions #
htmlValueOf = (key)-> ($scope.options |> filter -> (it.value == key) )?[0]?.html or key
checkFn =
| attrs.checkFn? => $parse(attrs.checkFn)($scope)
| _ => -> no
place = ->
scrollTop = ($ window).scrollTop!
bounds = element[0].getBoundingClientRect!
width = element.width!
height = element.height!
$scope.optStyle <<<<
top: "#{ + height - 1}px"
left: "#{bounds.left}px"
min-width: "#{width - 2}px"
# $scope #
$scope <<<<
initialized: no
| attrs.options? => $scope |> ($parse attrs.options)
| _ => ( (elHidden.find \option).add (elHidden.find \.option)).toArray! |>
map ->
value: it.value or ($ it .data \value) or ''
html: it.innerHTML
optionClass: [
] #{selected: option.value == value, checked: checkFn(option.value)}
shown: no
optClass: _ =
| element.hasClass \h4 => \.h4
| _ => ''
optStyle: {}
toggle: -> $scope.shown = !$scope.shown
hoverItem: ->
editable: attrs.editable or no
selectItem: ->
#$scope.currentOption = it
$scope.value = it
$scope.shown = no
model?.$setViewValue it
checkFn: checkFn
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