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Created March 15, 2014 02:02
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Angular directive example (LiveScript)
angular.module \app.directives .directive \groupPadma, [
($templateCache, Lang,$log)->
restrict: \EA
replace: yes
transclude: no
templateUrl: \group-padma-template
priority: 10
scope: {
model: \=ngModel
link: ( $scope, $element, $attrs, $ngModel)->
(debug = off) and \group-padma
log = $log.instance from: \groupPadma
, watchStyle: 'background-color: #ddd; color: #000; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid gray;'
[isArray, isObject, isString] = [angular.isArray, angular.isObject, angular.isString]
combined: <[ padding ]>
separated: <[ paddingLeft paddingRight paddingTop paddingBottom ]>
combined: <[ margin ]>
separated: <[ marginLeft marginRight marginTop marginBottom ]>
combined: <[ borderStyle borderColor borderWidth]>
separated: <[ borderStyle borderColor borderLeftWidth borderRightWidth borderTopWidth borderBottomWidth ]>
combined: <[ borderRadius ]>
separated: <[ borderTopLeftRadius borderTopRightRadius borderBottomRightRadius borderBottomLeftRadius ]>
PROPS = RULES |> values |> map (-> it |> values) |> flatten |> unique
COMBINED = RULES |> values |> map (-> it.combined) |> flatten |> unique
SEPARATED = RULES |> values |> map (-> it.separated) |> flatten |> unique
PARENTS = PROPS |> map (-> [ it, (RULES |> find-root it)]) |> pairs-to-obj
combined = -> !!$scope.combine[it]
activeProps = ->
RULES |> keys |> map ( ->
| $scope.combine[it] => RULES[it].combined
| otherwise => RULES[it].separated ) |> flatten |> unique
clearDisabled = (obj)->
activeState = activeProps!
{ [key, (if key in activeState then obj[key] else '')] for key of obj }
getBlockStyle = (style)->
props = <[ borderStyle borderColor ]> ++ (_ =
| $scope.combine.radius => RULES.radius.combined
| _ => RULES.radius.separated)
{ [ prop, value ] for prop in props when (value = $[prop])? }
updateCombine = (model)->
#log.log \updateCombine, model
model |> keys |> each (prop)->
if model[prop]? and model[prop] and parent = PARENTS[prop]
$scope.combine[parent] = (prop in COMBINED)
draggedProp = void
startValue = void
$scope <<<<
lang: Lang.current!
combine: void
#padding: off
#margin: off
#border: on
#radius: off
group: {}
blockStyle: {}
selectedProp: no
preInputFocus: (name)-> $scope.selectedProp = name
preInputKeyUp: (model, $event)->
#console.log model, $event
radDrag: ( direction, { deltaX, deltaY } )->
return if not draggedProp
delta = Math.sqrt(deltaX ^ 2 + deltaY ^ 2) |> Math.ceil |> ->
| deltaX > 0 and deltaY > 0 => it
| _ => 0 - it
if delta?
radius = (startValue + delta) |> between 0, 500
$[ draggedProp ] = "#{radius}px"
radDragStart: ( direction )->
$scope.selectedProp = \radius
if (draggedProp :=
| $scope.combine.radius is on => "borderRadius"
| direction? => "border#{direction}Radius"
| _ => void)
startValue := parseInt $[that]
$scope.$watch \model, ((model, old)->
@ |>
#console.log model, old
used = { [key, val] for key,val of model when (key in PROPS) }
if not $scope.combine
$scope.combine = {}
used |> updateCombine
$ <<<< used
), on
$scope.$watch \group, ((group, old)->
return if not old
$scope.model <<<< group
$scope.blockStyle = group |> getBlockStyle
), on
$scope.$watch \combine, ((current, old)->
@ |>
return if not old? or not current?
groupClear = ( $ |> clearDisabled )
$scope.model <<<< groupClear
), on
debug and console.groupEnd!
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