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Vue, v-for, display special element in certain position
// This is written in Pug syntax. not HTML. but same thing. Pug would compile to HTML
template(v-for='(l, index) in list')
topic-card(:topic='t', :key='')
template(v-if='index == 2')
// [IMPORTANT: display your specifial element here]
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1c7 commented Sep 4, 2018

What is this

Code snippet show you how to display a list with a element in certain position.
For example: you have a card layout.
one row have 4 card.
now you want display an Ad in first row, number 4 position(left to right). you can use this.


it's a simple task. I overcomplicate it with Flex layout, trying to use order property.
and later I come up with this.

it only take me 2 minute to share it on Github gist. so I post it here.
hope it helpful for you

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1c7 commented Sep 4, 2018

The point here is

use v-for + template syntax in Vue.js

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