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Last active April 16, 2018 00:21
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Update Dockerfiles from template on CircleCI build
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -exo pipefail
# If the build url isn't set, we're building locally so
if [[ -z "${CIRCLE_BUILD_URL}" ]]
# Don't attempt to update the repository
echo "Local build, skipping repository update..."
exit 0
if [[ -z "${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" ]] && [[ "${CIRCLE_TAG}" ]]
# Find the branch associated with this commit
# Why is this so hard, CircleCI?
git remote update
# Find which remote branch contains the current commit
CIRCLE_BRANCH=$(git branch -r --contains ${CIRCLE_SHA1} | grep -v 'HEAD' | awk '{split($1,a,"/"); print a[2]}')
# Checkout that branch / tag
git checkout ${CIRCLE_BRANCH}
if [[ "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" != "${CIRCLE_SHA1}" ]]
>&2 echo "Found the wrong commit!"
>&2 echo "Wanted: ${CIRCLE_SHA1}"
>&2 echo "Got: $(git rev-parse HEAD)"
>&2 echo "Not updating build details in repository, continuing ..."
exit 0
echo "${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" > /tmp/workspace/var/circle-branch-name
# Build without arguments to update Dockerfile from template
# Exit earl if no changes to write
git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- && exit 0
# Configure git user
git config "[email protected]"
git config "CircleCI Bot"
git config push.default simple
# Add changes
git add .
# Get previous commit message and append a message, skipping CI
OLD_MSG=$(git log --format=%B -n1)
git commit -m ":robot: $OLD_MSG" -m "- update build numbers [skip ci]"
# Push the updated Dockerfile and README to the repo
git push --force-with-lease --set-upstream origin ${CIRCLE_BRANCH}
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