Monero XMR mining via termux ;ubuntu
- install ubuntu in termux command; (ubuntu is optional)
pkg install update && upgrade
apt install git
apt install wget
apt install proot
git clone
cd termux-ubuntu
chmod +x
- install xmrig cpu miner to ubuntu termux
apt update
apt upgrade
apt install git
apt install wget
apt install proot
apt-get install git build-essential cmake libuv1-dev libmicrohttpd-dev libssl-dev
git clone
cd xmrig
mkdir build
cd bulid
then you can creat a config.json file in /build dir ngayon copy nyo ang url galing sa minergate para maka pag mining kayo
./xmrig -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp:// -u [email protected] -p x -3
or palitan nyo ng email nyo ang ginawa kung sample.. salamat wag kalimutang mag subscribe para ma update kayo sa mga bagong t
I never got this working spent ages trying and ened up using userland for installing Ubuntu bionic and this guide for installing xmrig
I personally used the advanced guide. And one thing I must add that I found out is it won't work unless after you 1st sudo apt update run apt-get install apt-utils xmrig won't install and apt upgrade also won't work