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Max von Webel 343max

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343max / init.lua
Created October 17, 2024 11:28
hammerspoon spoon to toggle dark/light mode in the Android Emulator using Cmd-Shift-A like in the iOS simulator
--- === androidEmulator ===
--- Helpful tools for the Android Emulator
local obj = {}
obj.__index = obj
-- Metadata = "androidEmulator"
obj.version = "0.1.0"
import { SessionConfig } from "@appetize/playwright/dist/core/session"
import { defineConfig } from "@playwright/test"
const androidConfig: SessionConfig = {
publicKey: process.env.APPETIZE_PUBLIC_KEY,
device: "pixel6",
osVersion: "13",
const iosConfig: SessionConfig = {
343max /
Created April 21, 2023 08:14
my public key
ssh-rsa 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 [email protected]
343max /
Last active October 8, 2021 11:32
HammerSpoon script to toggle the mic in google meet meeting in chrome
  • get hammersponn: brew install --cask hammerspoon
  • drop the file into yout init.lua dir
  • import & bind in your init.lua:
local toggleGoogleMeetMic = require('google-meet-mic')
hs.hotkey.bind({"shift"}, "F16", toggleGoogleMeetMic)
343max / code
Last active September 16, 2020 14:45
for all those people who use VSCode Insiders normally to switch very quickly to the stable version when needed just by launching VSCode stable
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# use VSCode Insiders by default, but not if VSCode Stable is already running
# [V] is neccessary so grep doesn't find itself...
VS_IS_RUNNING=$(ps -A | grep "/[V]isual Studio" | wc -l)
if [ $VS_IS_RUNNING -ne 0 ]; then
/usr/local/bin/code "$@"