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Created September 6, 2019 22:29
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A bot that gives you a set of random trivia questions
"""A bot that gives you random trivia questions and you have to vote on an answer"""
import random
import asyncio
import html
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from cogs import utils
class Trivia(utils.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot:utils.CustomBot):
async def trivia(self, ctx:commands.Context):
"""Gives you some random trivia"""
url = ""
params = {
"amount": 1,
"type": "multiple"
async with, params=params) as r:
data = await r.json()
embed = discord.Embed(title=html.unescape(data['results'][0]['question']), colour=0xffff00)
answers = data['results'][0]['incorrect_answers'] + [data['results'][0]['correct_answer']]
correct_answer_index = answers.index(data['results'][0]['correct_answer'])
for emoji, ans in zip('ABCD', answers):
embed.add_field(name=emoji, value=ans)
message = await ctx.send(embed=embed)
reactions = ["🇦", "🇧", "🇨", "🇩"]
for i in reactions:
await message.add_reaction(i)
async with ctx.typing():
await asyncio.sleep(10)
message = await
correct_reaction = [i for i in message.reactions if i.emoji == reactions[correct_answer_index]][0]
correctly_answering = [i for i in await correct_reaction.users().flatten() if not]
if correctly_answering:
await ctx.send(f"The correct answer is: `{data['results'][0]['correct_answer']}`! {', '.join([i.mention for i in correctly_answering])} got it right!")
await ctx.send(f"The correct answer is: `{data['results'][0]['correct_answer']}`! Nobody got it right!")
def setup(bot):
x = Trivia(bot)
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