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Created April 23, 2018 13:42
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REM ***** BASIC *****
Option Explicit
Sub ShowAllHyperlinks()
Dim oDocument as object
Dim oSheet as Object
Dim oCellCursor as object
Dim intLastRow as integer
Dim intLastCol as integer
Dim oNewSheet as object
Dim intCurRow as integer
Dim intCurCol as integer
Dim intNewRow as integer
Dim oNewCell as object
Dim oCell as Object
Dim strLink as String
' Get access to the document
oDocument = ThisComponent
' Find Last Cell of Data in Sheet
oSheet = oDocument.getCurrentSelection.getSpreadSheet
oCellCursor = oSheet.createCursor()
intLastRow = oCellCursor.getRangeAddress().endRow
intLastCol = oCellCursor.getRangeAddress().endColumn
intNewRow = 0
' Loop Through all Cells looking for URLs
For intCurRow = 0 to intLastRow
For intCurCol = 0 to intLastCol
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(intCurCol, intCurRow)
' VarType 9 = Object
If vartype(oCell) = 9 then
' If Count is greater than 1, we have a cell with a URL
If oCell.TextFields.Count > 0 Then
strLink = oCell.GetTextFields.getByIndex(0).URL
oCell.string = strLink
End If
End If
msgbox "URL Extraction is Complete"
End Sub
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4byte commented Apr 23, 2018

alt + F11 in libreoffice spreadsheet, then paste the script and press run in top bar.
Replaces all hypertext links in table for a cell name.

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