This explains how to setup for GitHub projects which automatically generates Doxygen code documentation and publishes the documentation to the gh-pages
branch using Travis CI.
This way only the source files need to be pushed to GitHub and the gh-pages branch is automatically updated with the generated Doxygen documentation.
Get an account at Travis CI. Turn on Travis for your repository in question, using the Travis control panel.
To create a clean gh-pages
branch, with no commit history, from the master branch enter the code below in the Git Shell. This will create a gh-pages branch with one file, the
in it. It doesn't really matter what file is uploaded in it since it will be overwritten when the automatically generated documentation is published to the gh-pages
cd /path/to/repository
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git rm -rf .
echo "My gh-pages branch" >
git add .
git commit -a -m "Clean gh-pages branch"
git push origin gh-pages
This script will generate the Doxygen documentation using the DOXYFILE
for configuration and publish it to the gh-pages
Below is an example script that I use. This script will create a file called doxygen.log
in the root of the gh-pages
branch, containing the output of Doxygen. Besides the log it, of course, also generates the documentation itself.
It is importand that the Doxygen configuration file has the OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
set to empty and the INPUT
starting with $(TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR)
. This way the script will know where the output of Doxygen is going to be located and can find the input files.
Script name:
Script location: root of the repository
# Title :
# Date created : 2016/02/22
# Notes :
__AUTHOR__="Jeroen de Bruijn"
# Preconditions:
# - Packages doxygen doxygen-doc doxygen-latex doxygen-gui graphviz
# must be installed.
# - Doxygen configuration file must have the destination directory empty and
# source code directory with a $(TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR) prefix.
# - An gh-pages branch should already exist. See below for mor info on hoe to
# create a gh-pages branch.
# Required global variables:
# - TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER : The number of the current build.
# - TRAVIS_COMMIT : The commit that the current build is testing.
# - DOXYFILE : The Doxygen configuration file.
# - GH_REPO_NAME : The name of the repository.
# - GH_REPO_REF : The GitHub reference to the repository.
# - GH_REPO_TOKEN : Secure token to the github repository.
# For information on how to encrypt variables for Travis CI please go to
# or
# For information on how to create a clean gh-pages branch from the master
# branch, please go to
# This script will generate Doxygen documentation and push the documentation to
# the gh-pages branch of a repository specified by GH_REPO_REF.
# Before this script is used there should already be a gh-pages branch in the
# repository.
##### Setup this script and get the current gh-pages branch. #####
echo 'Setting up the script...'
# Exit with nonzero exit code if anything fails
set -e
# Create a clean working directory for this script.
mkdir code_docs
cd code_docs
# Get the current gh-pages branch
git clone -b gh-pages https://git@$GH_REPO_REF
##### Configure git.
# Set the push default to simple i.e. push only the current branch.
git config --global push.default simple
# Pretend to be an user called Travis CI.
git config "Travis CI"
git config "[email protected]"
# Remove everything currently in the gh-pages branch.
# GitHub is smart enough to know which files have changed and which files have
# stayed the same and will only update the changed files. So the gh-pages branch
# can be safely cleaned, and it is sure that everything pushed later is the new
# documentation.
rm -rf *
# Need to create a .nojekyll file to allow filenames starting with an underscore
# to be seen on the gh-pages site. Therefore creating an empty .nojekyll file.
# Presumably this is only needed when the SHORT_NAMES option in Doxygen is set
# to NO, which it is by default. So creating the file just in case.
echo "" > .nojekyll
##### Generate the Doxygen code documentation and log the output. #####
echo 'Generating Doxygen code documentation...'
# Redirect both stderr and stdout to the log file AND the console.
doxygen $DOXYFILE 2>&1 | tee doxygen.log
##### Upload the documentation to the gh-pages branch of the repository. #####
# Only upload if Doxygen successfully created the documentation.
# Check this by verifying that the html directory and the file html/index.html
# both exist. This is a good indication that Doxygen did it's work.
if [ -d "html" ] && [ -f "html/index.html" ]; then
echo 'Uploading documentation to the gh-pages branch...'
# Add everything in this directory (the Doxygen code documentation) to the
# gh-pages branch.
# GitHub is smart enough to know which files have changed and which files have
# stayed the same and will only update the changed files.
git add --all
# Commit the added files with a title and description containing the Travis CI
# build number and the GitHub commit reference that issued this build.
git commit -m "Deploy code docs to GitHub Pages Travis build: ${TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}" -m "Commit: ${TRAVIS_COMMIT}"
# Force push to the remote gh-pages branch.
# The ouput is redirected to /dev/null to hide any sensitive credential data
# that might otherwise be exposed.
git push --force "https://${GH_REPO_TOKEN}@${GH_REPO_REF}" > /dev/null 2>&1
echo '' >&2
echo 'Warning: No documentation (html) files have been found!' >&2
echo 'Warning: Not going to push the documentation to GitHub!' >&2
exit 1
This script will handle the build and call the previous created generateDocumentationAndDeploy
Script name: .travis.yml
Script location: root of the repository
# This will run on Travis' 'new' container-based infrastructure
sudo: false
# Blacklist
- gh-pages
# Environment variables
- GH_REPO_NAME: <your_repo>
- DOXYFILE: $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/<path_to_your_doxygen_configuration_file>
- GH_REPO_REF:<your_name>/<your_repo>.git
# Install dependencies
- doxygen
- doxygen-doc
- doxygen-latex
- doxygen-gui
- graphviz
# Build your code e.g. by calling make
- make
# Generate and deploy documentation
- chmod +x
- ./
A tricy part of this setup is to provide Travis CI with the ability to deploy to gh-pages
without making the required credentials public. The solution for this is to use a personal acces token for GitHub and use Travis' encryption support.
- In GitHub, go to settings and Personal access tokens;
- Click
Generate a new token
and fill in the description. E.g.<your_repo> Travis CI Documentation
; - As scope select
; - Click
Generate token
; - Copy the generated token.
To add this personal access token to Travis CI there are two methods. In this example I've used the fist method, since it is the easiest one.
Similar to the Travis CI documentation
- Go to the repository in Travis CI and go to settings;
- In the Environment Variables section give the variable a
, in this caseGH_REPO_TOKEN
; - Paste the copied token as
; - Click on
; - Make sure the
Display value in build log
switch isOFF
Follow the method described by the Travis CI documentation
- Install the Travis CI client;
- Run the following command
travis encrypt GH_REPO_TOKEN=<copied_personal_acces_github_token>
; - This will give a very long line like
secure: <encrypted_token>
- Copy this line and add it to the environment variables in the
file as shown below.
- secure: <encrypted_token>
I use this setup for one of my projects. The documentation of that project is hosted on the gh-pages
The relevant files for this setup are:
Feel free to come with any suggestions for this setup!