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Forked from chikuzen/
Last active November 3, 2020 17:24
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# - finesharp module for VapourSynth
# Original author: Didee (
# Requirement: VapourSynth r48 or later
# Rev: 2020-11-03
from vapoursynth import core, GRAY, YUV
def spline(x, coordinates):
def get_matrix(px, py, l):
matrix = []
matrix.append([(i == 0) * 1.0 for i in range(l + 1)])
for i in range(1, l - 1):
p = [0 for t in range(l + 1)]
p[i - 1] = px[i] - px[i - 1]
p[i] = 2 * (px[i + 1] - px[i - 1])
p[i + 1] = px[i + 1] - px[i]
p[l] = 6 * (((py[i + 1] - py[i]) / p[i + 1]) - (py[i] - py[i - 1]) / p[i - 1])
matrix.append([(i == l - 1) * 1.0 for i in range(l + 1)])
return matrix
def equation(matrix, dim):
for i in range(dim):
num = matrix[i][i]
for j in range(dim + 1):
matrix[i][j] /= num
for j in range(dim):
if i != j:
a = matrix[j][i]
for k in range(i, dim + 1):
matrix[j][k] -= a * matrix[i][k]
if not isinstance(coordinates, dict):
raise TypeError('coordinates must be a dict')
length = len(coordinates)
if length < 3:
raise ValueError('coordinates require at least three pairs')
px = [key for key in coordinates.keys()]
py = [val for val in coordinates.values()]
matrix = get_matrix(px, py, length)
equation(matrix, length)
for i in range(length + 1):
if x >= px[i] and x <= px[i + 1]:
j = i + 1
h = px[j] - px[i]
s = matrix[j][length] * (x - px[i]) ** 3
s -= matrix[i][length] * (x - px[j]) ** 3
s /= 6 * h
s += (py[j] / h - h * matrix[j][length] / 6) * (x - px[i])
s -= (py[i] / h - h * matrix[i][length] / 6) * (x - px[j])
return s
def clamp(x, maximum):
return max(0, min(round(x), maximum))
def sharpen(clip, mode=1, sstr=2.0, cstr=None, xstr=0.19, lstr=1.49, pstr=1.272, ldmp=None, use_lut=False):
"""Small and relatively fast realtime-sharpening function, for 1080p,
or after scaling 720p -> 1080p during playback
(to make 720p look more like being 1080p)
It's a generic sharpener. Only for good quality sources!
(If the source is crap, FineSharp will happily sharpen the crap.) ;)
Noise/grain will be enhanced, too. The method is GENERIC.
Modus operandi: A basic nonlinear sharpening method is performed,
then the *blurred* sharp-difference gets subtracted again.
clip (clip): YUV or GRAY video.
mode (int): 1 to 3, weakest to strongest. When negative -1 to -3,
a broader kernel for equalisation is used.
sstr (float): strength of sharpening, 0.0 up to ??
cstr (float): strength of equalisation, 0.0 to ? 2.0 ?
(recomm. 0.5 to 1.25, default AUTO)
xstr (float): strength of XSharpen-style final sharpening, 0.0 to 1.0
(but, better don't go beyond 0.249 ...)
lstr (float): modifier for non-linear sharpening
pstr (float): exponent for non-linear sharpening
ldmp (float): "low damp", to not overenhance very small differences
(noise coming out of flat areas, default sstr+1)
.. code-block:: python
import finesharp
clip = finesharp.sharpen(clip)
bd = clip.format.bits_per_sample
max_ = 2 ** bd - 1
mid = (max_ + 1) // 2
scl = (max_ + 1) // 256
x = 'x {} /'.format(scl)
y = 'y {} /'.format(scl)
src = clip
if core.version_number() < 48:
raise EnvironmentError('VapourSynth version should be 48 or greater.')
if src.format.color_family != YUV and src.format.color_family != GRAY:
raise ValueError('clip must be YUV or GRAY color family.')
if bd < 8 or bd > 16:
raise ValueError('clip must be 8..16 bits.')
mode = int(mode)
if abs(mode) > 3 or mode == 0:
raise ValueError('mode must be 1, 2, 3, -1, -2 or -3.')
sstr = float(sstr)
if sstr < 0.0:
raise ValueError('sstr must be larger than zero.')
if src.format.color_family != GRAY:
clip = core.std.ShufflePlanes(clips=clip, planes=0, colorfamily=GRAY)
if cstr is None:
cstr = spline(sstr, {0: 0, 0.5: 0.1, 1: 0.6, 2: 0.9, 2.5: 1, 3: 1.09,
3.5: 1.15, 4: 1.19, 8: 1.249, 255: 1.5})
if mode < 0:
if cstr < 0:
cstr = 0
cstr **= 0.8
cstr = float(cstr)
xstr = float(xstr)
if xstr < 0.0:
raise ValueError('xstr must be larger than zero.')
lstr = float(lstr)
pstr = float(pstr)
if ldmp is None:
ldmp = sstr + 0.1
ldmp = float(ldmp)
rg = 20 - (mode > 0) * 9
if sstr < 0.01 and cstr < 0.01 and xstr < 0.01:
return src
if abs(mode) == 1:
c2 = core.std.Convolution(clip, matrix=[1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1]).std.Median()
c2 = core.std.Median(clip).std.Convolution(matrix=[1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1])
if abs(mode) == 3:
c2 = core.std.Median(c2)
if use_lut is True:
def expr(x, y):
d = x - y
absd = abs(d)
e0 = ((absd / lstr) ** (1 / pstr)) * sstr
e1 = d / (absd + 0.001)
e2 = (d * d) / (d * d + ldmp)
return clamp(e0 * e1 * e2 + mid, max_)
diff = core.std.Lut2(clipa=clip, clipb=c2, function=expr)
expr = ('{x} {y} - abs {lstr} / 1 {pstr} / pow {sstr} * {x} {y} - {x} {y} - abs '
'0.001 + / * {x} {y} - 2 pow {x} {y} - 2 pow {ldmp} + / * 128 + {scl} *')
expr = expr.format(x=x, y=y, lstr=lstr, pstr=pstr, sstr=sstr, ldmp=ldmp, scl=scl)
diff = core.std.Expr(clips=[clip, c2], expr=expr)
shrp = clip
if sstr >= 0.01:
shrp = core.std.MergeDiff(clipa=shrp, clipb=diff)
if cstr >= 0.01:
expr = 'x {mid} - {cstr} * {mid} +'.format(mid=mid, cstr=cstr)
diff = core.std.Expr(clips=diff, expr=expr)
diff = core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(clip=diff, mode=[rg])
shrp = core.std.MakeDiff(clipa=shrp, clipb=diff)
if xstr >= 0.01:
expr = 'x x y - 9.9 * +'
xyshrp = core.std.Expr(clips=[shrp, core.std.Convolution(shrp, matrix=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])], expr=expr)
rpshrp = core.rgvs.Repair(clip=xyshrp, repairclip=shrp, mode=[12])
shrp = core.std.Merge(clipa=rpshrp, clipb=shrp, weight=[1 - xstr])
if src.format.color_family != GRAY:
shrp = core.std.ShufflePlanes(clips=[shrp, src], planes=[0, 1, 2], colorfamily=src.format.color_family)
return shrp
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Wolfberry made some updates to finesharp maybe you could merge them?

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