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Last active March 7, 2017 22:58
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TileStache POC


## Intro

You've got a GIS dataset, you want to serve a map to visualize it ?

What we need

  • A GIS dataset. Here's one

  • A postGIS database to store it.

  • A map server, in order to serve a visible map. We'll use Mapnik

  • A tile server, in order to send the geographic data. We'll use Tilestache.


  • I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 64bit.

Part 1 : The DataBase.

  • Let's install postgreSQL : tutorial here

    • PostgreSQL is a database.
  • Let's install postGIS : tutorial here

    • Postgis is a plugin for PostgreSQL that handle geolocalised data
  • Let's install ogr2ogr : tutorial here

    • ogr2ogr allows to convert geoJSON, topoJSON, and much more to postGIS
  • Create a PostGIS data base

  • Install the legacy.sql as done here

    • Some of TileStache SQL requests are outdated
  • Add your dataset to the database : here

## Part 2 : TileStache

  • Install TileStache : Modified version here, branch zoomInVecTile

  • Install the gdal library : sudo apt-get install python-gdal

  • Edit the tilestache.cfg file.

    • Add a new layer connected to your database : (in layers)

"NewLayerName": { "allowed origin": "*", "provider": { "name": "vector", "driver": "PostGIS", "parameters": { "dbname": "database Name", "host": "Where the db is hosted (localhost for example)", "user": "the user to access the database (postgres by default)", "password": "its password", "query": "A SQL query returning at least coordinates under the name geometry" } } } ```

  • Install Mapnik 2.1 : see this issue

  • Install shapely : sudo apt-get install python-shapely

  • Run the default TileStache server : tilestache/scripts/ (python2)

  • Go on the URL localhost:8080/NewLayerName/{zoom}/{X}/{Y}.geojson

Part 3 : Hexagons

  • clone the cartoDB-postgresql repo : here warning : copyright LICENSE

  • copy the scripts-available in your project folder

  • Add the CDB_Hexagon.sql to your database : psql -d myDataBaseName -a -f CDB_Hexagon.sql

  • Add the CDB_XYZ.sql to your database : psql -d myDataBaseName -a -f CDB_XYZ.sql

  • Make a sql query that makes hexagons. Look at the tilestache.cfg and hexagon_request.pgsql

## Part 3.5 : Bonus : Frontend

  • Install node.js

  • Clone this repository

  • Run npm install

  • Run node index.js -l trees

  • Go on your browser, on this url : localhost:3000

## Part 4 : Speedups

Enable caching.

  • Example : caching on disk. Add this to the tilestache.cfg :
    "name": "Disk",
    "path": "./cache/",
    "umask": "0022",
    "dirs": "portable",
    "gzip": ["xml", "json"]

Get rid of werkzeug.

  • Install Gunicorn, for example : pip install gunicorn

  • Run TileStache with gunicorn "TileStache:WSGITileServer('../tilestache.cfg')" instead of the script

  • For the frontend, use node index.js -p 8000 -l trees

Part 5 : Arbitrary aggregates

To do this, we'll use plpython to create arbitrary aggregate functions easily in postgreSQL

  • Install plpython : sudo apt-get install postgresql-plpython-9.6
WITH hexagons AS(
st_setsrid(the_geom, 900913) AS the_geom
SELECT CDB_HexagonGrid(
greatest(CDB_XYZ_Resolution(!zoom!)) * 50
greatest(CDB_XYZ_Resolution(!zoom!)) * 25
) AS the_geom
) foo
trees AS(
SELECT ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromWKB(wkb_geometry, 4326), 900913) AS the_geom FROM environmental_streettrees
WHERE ST_Expand(
greatest(CDB_XYZ_Resolution(!zoom!)) * 50
) && ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromWKB(wkb_geometry, 4326), 900913)
hex.the_geom AS __geometry__,
count(t.the_geom) AS density
FROM -- Count how many trees there are per hexagon
hexagons hex,
trees t
hex.the_geom && t.the_geom
and st_x(st_centroid(hex.the_geom)) < st_xmax(!bbox!)
and st_y(st_centroid(hex.the_geom)) < st_ymax(!bbox!)
and st_x(st_centroid(hex.the_geom)) >= st_xmin(!bbox!)
and st_y(st_centroid(hex.the_geom)) >= st_ymin(!bbox!)
GROUP BY hex.the_geom
"name": "Test",
"path": "/tmp/stache",
"umask": "0000"
"provider": {"name": "proxy", "provider": "OPENSTREETMAP"},
"png options": {"palette": ""}
"provider": {"name": "mapnik", "mapfile": "TileStache/examples/style.xml"},
"projection": "spherical mercator"
"trees": {
"allowed origin": "*",
"provider": {
"class": "TileStache.Goodies.VecTiles:Provider",
"host": "localhost",
"user": "postgres_user",
"password": "postgres_password",
"database": "database_name"
"clip": false
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