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Official SubReddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spotifyhosts/ | |
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Hello. I've tried using little snitch on mac, and it works in blocking the ads. But after about 5min the search option is no longer avalible. It's just blank when searching. Which one should I unblock in order to restore this function?
Does anyone have copy of Little Snitch 4.4.3?
Does anyone have copy of Little Snitch 4.4.3?
At this point I have just given up. No matter what I put in the hosts file, it just updates, like out of no where. Its impossible to stop it from updating. So now what I do is I have the zip file in my documents, and if I see an ad or the black banner at the bottom when you click on any playlist, ads will be inevitable from that point on. So I just delete Spotify, and add it to my applications AGAIN from the zip file. Easy.
In Mac os Big sur, Little Snitch 4.4.3 does not work, some alternative?
In Mac os Big sur, Little Snitch 4.4.3 does not work, some alternative?
at the moment any way bro, just to use the 3h trial every time
Not trying to be lame, but why dont you buy Little Snitch? It helps you with a ton of stuff that connects to anywhere and tracks you. Its well worth it. But yes if you came here to get Spotify Prem for free, I might be talking to the wrong people haha
Not trying to be lame, but why dont you buy Little Snitch? It helps you with a ton of stuff that connects to anywhere and tracks you. Its well worth it. But yes if you came here to get Spotify Prem for free, I might be talking to the wrong people haha
I bought it 3 days ago using the school discount, really good software
Woah... Why are you blocking s3? That'll break 1/2 of the internet
Same with the old 'hosts' file method: This method also heavily depends on your geographical location.
With the config above it doesn't work in EU - Switzerland to be precise. Ads every 3-4 songs (but only 'Premium Upgrade' ads) and black banner.
Blocking other domains results in songs not playing OR getting the 'Disconnected' error from the app.
If anyone in EU found a working combination please let us know.
i can confirm this. Haven't found a way to bypass. If I block more, it continues to play for a song or two, then stops. If I leave it that way, it plays a premium upgrade ad every few songs.
Thanks @MisterMike. Furthermore, one of the main causes for this (I think) is the gew1-accesspoint-*
and guc3-accesspoint-*
type domains.
Problem with blocking these is that whenever you block one - another one is triggered and added to the list. Blocking the whole 'Spotify' entry and then allowing just 'dealer.spotify.com' breaks the app connection and disconnects it.
Absent a solution here - another option would be to revert to an older Spotify version ( or earlier) and test it that way too. Just an idea. Problem is I can't find those older versions for Mac anywhere anymore (filehippo, filehorse etc.)
This is the worst but I also can't justify $10/mo just for music which should be free. Ridiculous.
This is the worst but I also can't justify $10/mo just for music which should be free. Ridiculous.
Here is a Little Snitch Backup:
(the file its the one with the extension .xpl)
--- For EU folks ---
In the end - using the latest or 1.1.125 Spotify version won't fully work with Little Snitch. I always get the black ad banner and 'upgrade' ads every 3-4 songs. An interesting note though: I don't get any ads if I select the songs, no matter how many consecutively. So only if I don't trigger 'Next' or 'Previous' through the buttons or keyboard.
The actual working solution for me was to revert to an older version I was able to finally find (, and available here:
And then:
- move it into Applications
- open it and log in
- set up Little Snitch like in the screenshot below
- restart it
With this, I have no ads whatsoever (playing, banner, etc.) and all songs and playlists are working fine. (except Radio, as always)
is there an updated little snitch file for Big Sur? I would buy it if I was using it for more than just Spotify.
This is the worst but I also can't justify $10/mo just for music which should be free. Ridiculous.
Here is a Little Snitch Backup:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=17vLEuSPQHVvwLjNlBbq-wQkzXasUonXu(the file its the one with the extension .xpl)
Thanks. Eventually got it working then spotify started playing ads again. Back to youtube mixes.
hi, i found out 2 new directions to ban, and my list stay like this: media-match.com adclick.g.doublecklick.net www.googleadservices.com pagead2.googlesyndication.com googleads.g.doubleclick.net pubads.g.doubleclick.net securepubads.g.doubleclick.net www.omaze.com omaze.com bounceexchange.com core.insightexpressai.com content.bitsontherun.com s0.2mdn.net v.jwpcdn.com d2gi7ultltnc2u.cloudfront.net cs283.wpc.teliasoneracdn.net cs126.wpc.teliasoneracdn.net u.scdn.co cs126.wpc.edgecastcdn.net pagead46.l.doubleclick.net pagead.l.doubleclick.net video-ad-stats.googlesyndication.com pagead-googlehosted.l.google.com partnerad.l.doubleclick.net prod.spotify.map.fastlylb.net adserver.adtechus.com na.gmtdmp.com anycast.pixel.adsafeprotected.com ads.pubmatic.com idsync-ext.rlcdn.com www.googletagservices.com googlehosted.l.googleusercontent.com d361oi6ppvq2ym.cloudfront.net gads.pubmatic.com ads-west-colo.adsymptotic.com geo3.ggpht.com showads33000.pubmatic.com crashdump.spotify.com adeventtracker.spotify.com log.spotify.com analytics.spotify.com ads-fa.spotify.com audio-ec.spotify.com sto3.spotify.com audio2.spotify.com http://audio2.spotify.com www.audio2.spotify.com desktop.spotify.com heads-ec.spotify.com open.spotify.com www.spotify.facebook-ads.adtz.com www.spotify.pinterest.adtz.com play.google.com mad41s13-in-f5.1e100.net
The only mod i have done to ban ads is modifying my hosts file. Im using rn duckduckgo to navigate so i didnt know if redirecting play.google.com to loopback ip causes any problem.
Is it possible to use pihole or something similar instead of a firewall?
Is it possible to use pihole or something similar instead of a firewall?
No, because spotify use 2 subaplications for music, and both use sp.client… host but you need to block that host only for 1 app
Here's what seems to be working consistently for me (Mac) for a Spotify Ad-free experience ...
- To use on the browser through https://open.spotify.com, just install https://ublockorigin.com.
- To use macOS app, install v1.1.9.393 available here: https://spotify.en.uptodown.com/mac/versions (higher versions will have parts not loading or will not load anything at all). Then in LittleSnitch or Lulu (free and the one I use: https://objective-see.com/products/lulu.html) create a rule to BLOCK ALL connections for 'Spotify Helper' and another to ALLOW ALL connections for Spotify app itself.
Everything should work with no audio or visual ads. Let me know if you try.
Here's what seems to be working consistently for me (Mac) for a Spotify Ad-free experience ...
1. To use on the browser through https://open.spotify.com, just install https://ublockorigin.com. 2. To use macOS app, install v1.1.9.393 available here: https://spotify.en.uptodown.com/mac/versions (higher versions will have parts not loading or will not load anything at all). Then in LittleSnitch or Lulu (free and the one I use: https://objective-see.com/products/lulu.html) create a rule to BLOCK ALL connections for 'Spotify Helper' and another to ALLOW ALL connections for Spotify app itself.
Everything should work with no audio or visual ads. Let me know if you try.
Just FYI, there is no version v. listed on that spotify older versions site, only I used the version for about 3 songs and it cut off. I had Spotify Helper blocked. The music appears to play, but no sound. If anyone has that version in dmg that would be very appreciated!
That is not the version I mentioned. Yes there IS a version Mind the dots! I did NOT write but It is this one:
Keep in mind it's an old version... but it works. Anything newer than that I could NOT get to work reliably.
@cmcgheit That is not the version I mentioned. Yes there IS a version Mind the dots! I did NOT write but It is this one: https://spotify.en.uptodown.com/mac/download/2022323 Keep in mind it's an old version... but it works. Anything newer than that I could NOT get to work reliably.
Thanks for replying. I will try it and comment here with any issues. Right now an older spotify web version is working in the browser for me with no ads (ublock)
NP. Yes, https://open.spotify.com should indeed just work with https://ublockorigin.com installed.
Let me know if you end up trying the macOS app mentioned. Old but works consistently. At least here.
@everyone @ALL
I want to inform everyone that hosts method is now obsolete, is now replaced by most secure and safe xpui.spa
SpotX Org is responsible of modifying it and remove all audio/visual/text ads from Windows/macOS/Linux
SpotX is OpenSource on Github, safe and free for everyone.
Im mod on their Discord server, so if you have any question or need help:
Cheers 😉
older host modifications should be removed in order for SpotX to properly work.
I am writing this on June 9, 2020 for anyone who is wondering. @RobyRew's process still seems to be working if followed exactly as stated in the tutorial above. Certainly kills the ads it seems. I think there are a few differences in where items show up in Little Snitch as compared to the screenshot in the tutorial. But using the search function in LS, you can still follow @RobyRew's specific instructions to block or unblock certain Spotify items. (This step requires some care.) Also it is very important to block the hosts for updates as stated at the end of the tutorial. One thing I learned was to not add any other items to the host file that pertain to Spotify. Meaning you may think it might help to Google for other Spotify hosts to block, or block the ones listed at the top of this thread. But resist that temptation. Like I said, follow the steps exactly.
I am still testing to see if it plays just a song or two or does it have a time limit. I'll edit this comment if need be to add any more details.
EDIT: So it looks like it stops after around 15 mins or so. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. I am not sure this issue has anything to do with @RobyRew's work around. When I Google I see that this version of Spotify (spotify has 8 pages of complaints about this very issue of pausing and having to restart the app: https://community.spotify.com/t5/Ongoing-Issues/Spotify-won-t-resume-after-pause-with-bluetooth-headphones/idi-p/2955440/page/8#comments The issue seems to be connected to Bluetooth devices, which I am not using.
EDIT2: One last note. I decided to see what happens if I used the web player. Turns out that plays without interruptions or any ads. So for now that is the workaround; Follow all steps by @RobyRew. Then launch the web player. For now that will do.