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Last active October 12, 2022 09:19
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Oneliner to remove remote branches from "origin", that are already merged into "master" (runs in MINGW shell under Windows 10)
git branch -r --merged master | grep -v master | grep -v develop | grep -w "origin" | awk '{print gensub(/origin\//,"","g",$1)}' | xargs git push origin --delete
git remote prune origin
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62mkv commented Nov 18, 2015

PS: Git Extensions have to be installed (I suppose)

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62mkv commented Oct 11, 2022


git log --diff-filter=D --pretty=format:%h -- service/ | xargs git branch --list -r --no-contains | awk '{ print gensub(/origin\//,"","g",$1)}' | xargs git push origin --delete

improved version:

git log --diff-filter=D --pretty=format:%h -- service/ | awk 'END { if (NR == 1) print }' | xargs -r git branch --list -r --no-contains | awk '{print gensub(/origin\//,"","g",$1)}' | xargs -r git push origin --delete


  • git log --diff-filter=D: only show commits where certain path (see further on) is deleted

  • --pretty=format:%h: display just the commit hash per commit

  • -- service/ -- separates revisions from paths, and service/ is the path we want to see deleted.

  • awk 'END { if (NR == 1) print }': only outputs the line if input contains exactly one line (otherwise our assumptions about the log were wrong and we just don't do anything)

  • xargs -r git branch --list -r --no-contains: -r aborts if there was no input, otherwise input line is put as the last argument for the command specified after xargs options

  • git branch --list -r --no-contains <commit>: lists remote branches, that do not contain certain commit (in this context, all branches that have diverged from the trunk BEFORE the commit where service/ was deleted)

  • awk '{print gensub(/origin\//,"","g",$1)}': replaces origin/ with empty string, making branch names suitable for the last command

  • xargs -r: same as explained above

  • git push origin --delete <branch-name>: deletes remote branch in the "origin" remote

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