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#!/usr/bin/perl | |
# latest release at https://gitlab.com/667bdrm/sofiactl | |
# | |
# Simple clock synchronization for some chinese HiSilicon based DVRs supporting CMS (Sofia software) with json-like protocol. Tested with: | |
# | |
# HJCCTV HJ-H4808BW (XiongMai, Hi3520, MBD6304T) | |
# http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Hybird-NVR-8chs-H-264DVR-8chs-onvif-2-3-Economical-DVR-8ch-Video-4-AUDIO-AND/1918734952.html | |
# | |
# | |
# PBFZ TCV-UTH200 (XiongMai, Hi3518, 50H20L_S39) | |
# http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-2014-NEW-IP-camera-CCTV-2-0MP-HD-1080P-IP-Network-Security-CCTV-Waterproof/1958962188.html | |
# | |
# Additional protocol reference : https://github.com/charmyin/IPCTimeLapse | |
# vendor sdk: https://github.com/mondwan/cpp-surveillance-cli | |
# vendor: http://www.xiongmaitech.com | |
# vendor specifications: http://wiki.xm030.com:81/ | |
package IPcam; | |
use Module::Load::Conditional qw[can_load check_install requires]; | |
my $use_list = { | |
'IO::Socket' => undef, | |
'IO::Socket::INET' => undef, | |
'Time::Local' => undef, | |
JSON => undef, | |
'Data::Dumper' => undef, | |
}; | |
if (!can_load( modules => $use_list, autoload => true )) { | |
die('Failed to load required modules: ' . join(', ', keys %{$use_list})); | |
} | |
use constant { | |
LOGIN_REQ1 => 999, | |
LOGIN_REQ2 => 1000, | |
LOGIN_RSP => 1000, | |
LOGOUT_REQ => 1001, | |
LOGOUT_RSP => 1002, | |
FORCELOGOUT_REQ => 1003, | |
FORCELOGOUT_RSP => 1004, | |
KEEPALIVE_REQ => 1006, # 1005 | |
KEEPALIVE_RSP => 1007, # 1006 | |
SYSINFO_REQ => 1020, | |
SYSINFO_RSP => 1021, | |
CONFIG_SET => 1040, | |
CONFIG_SET_RSP => 1041, | |
CONFIG_GET => 1042, | |
CONFIG_GET_RSP => 1043, | |
SYSTEM_DEBUG_REQ => 1052, | |
SYSTEM_DEBUG_RSP => 1053, | |
ABILITY_GET => 1360, | |
ABILITY_GET_RSP => 1361, | |
PTZ_REQ => 1400, | |
PTZ_RSP => 1401, | |
MONITOR_REQ => 1410, | |
MONITOR_RSP => 1411, | |
MONITOR_DATA => 1412, | |
MONITOR_CLAIM => 1413, | |
MONITOR_CLAIM_RSP => 1414, | |
PLAY_REQ => 1420, | |
PLAY_RSP => 1421, | |
PLAY_DATA => 1422, | |
PLAY_EOF => 1423, | |
PLAY_CLAIM => 1424, | |
PLAY_CLAIM_RSP => 1425, | |
DOWNLOAD_DATA => 1426, | |
TALK_REQ => 1430, | |
TALK_RSP => 1431, | |
TALK_CU_PU_DATA => 1432, | |
TALK_PU_CU_DATA => 1433, | |
TALK_CLAIM => 1434, | |
TALK_CLAIM_RSP => 1435, | |
FILESEARCH_REQ => 1440, | |
FILESEARCH_RSP => 1441, | |
LOGSEARCH_REQ => 1442, | |
LOGSEARCH_RSP => 1443, | |
SYSMANAGER_REQ => 1450, | |
SYSMANAGER_RSP => 1451, | |
TIMEQUERY_REQ => 1452, | |
TIMEQUERY_RSP => 1453, | |
DISKMANAGER_REQ => 1460, | |
DISKMANAGER_RSP => 1461, | |
USERS_GET => 1472, | |
USERS_GET_RSP => 1473, | |
GROUPS_GET => 1474, | |
GROUPS_GET_RSP => 1475, | |
ADDGROUP_REQ => 1476, | |
ADDGROUP_RSP => 1477, | |
MODIFYGROUP_REQ => 1478, | |
MODIFYGROUP_RSP => 1479, | |
DELETEGROUP_REQ => 1480, | |
DELETEGROUP_RSP => 1481, | |
ADDUSER_REQ => 1482, | |
ADDUSER_RSP => 1483, | |
MODIFYUSER_REQ => 1484, | |
MODIFYUSER_RSP => 1485, | |
DELETEUSER_REQ => 1486, | |
DELETEUSER_RSP => 1487, | |
GUARD_REQ => 1500, | |
GUARD_RSP => 1501, | |
UNGUARD_REQ => 1502, | |
UNGUARD_RSP => 1503, | |
ALARM_REQ => 1504, | |
ALARM_RSP => 1505, | |
NET_ALARM_REQ => 1506, | |
NET_ALARM_REQ => 1507, | |
UPGRADE_REQ => 1520, | |
UPGRADE_RSP => 1521, | |
UPGRADE_DATA => 1522, | |
UPGRADE_DATA_RSP => 1523, | |
UPGRADE_INFO_REQ => 1525, | |
UPGRADE_INFO_RSQ => 1526, | |
IPSEARCH_REQ => 1530, | |
IPSEARCH_RSP => 1531, | |
IP_SET_REQ => 1532, | |
IP_SET_RSP => 1533, | |
CONFIG_IMPORT_REQ => 1540, | |
CONFIG_IMPORT_RSP => 1541, | |
CONFIG_EXPORT_REQ => 1542, | |
CONFIG_EXPORT_RSP => 1543, | |
NET_KEYBOARD_REQ => 1550, | |
NET_KEYBOARD_RSP => 1551, | |
NET_SNAP_REQ => 1560, | |
NET_SNAP_RSP => 1561, | |
SET_IFRAME_REQ => 1562, | |
SET_IFRAME_RSP => 1563, | |
RS232_READ_REQ => 1570, | |
RS232_READ_RSP => 1571, | |
RS232_WRITE_REQ => 1572, | |
RS232_WRITE_RSP => 1573, | |
RS485_READ_REQ => 1574, | |
RS485_READ_RSP => 1575, | |
RS485_WRITE_REQ => 1576, | |
RS485_WRITE_RSP => 1577, | |
SYNC_TIME_REQ => 1590, | |
SYNC_TIME_RSP => 1591, | |
PHOTO_GET_REQ => 1600, | |
PHOTO_GET_RSP => 1601, | |
}; | |
sub new { | |
my $classname = shift; | |
my $self = {}; | |
bless($self, $classname); | |
$self->_init(@_); | |
return $self; | |
} | |
sub DESTROY { | |
my $self = shift; | |
} | |
sub disconnect { | |
my $self = shift; | |
$self->{socket}->close(); | |
} | |
sub _init { | |
my $self = shift; | |
$self->{host} = ""; | |
$self->{port} = 0; | |
$self->{user} = ""; | |
$self->{password} = ""; | |
$self->{socket} = undef; | |
$self->{sid} = 0; | |
$self->{SystemInfo} = undef; | |
$self->{GenericInfo} = undef; | |
$self->{lastcommand} = undef; | |
$self->{sequence} = 0; | |
if (@_) { | |
my %extra = @_; | |
@$self{keys %extra} = values %extra; | |
} | |
} | |
sub getDeviceRuntime { | |
my $self = shift; | |
$self->getSystemInfo(); | |
my $total_minutes = hex($self->{SystemInfo}->{DeviceRunTime}); | |
my $total_hours = $total_minutes / 60; | |
my $total_days = $total_minutes / (60*24); | |
my $left_minutes = $total_minutes % (60*24); | |
my $hours = int($left_minutes / 60); | |
my $minutes = int($left_minutes % 60); | |
my $years = $total_days / 365; | |
my $left_days = $total_days % 365; | |
my $months = int( $left_days / 30); | |
my $days = $left_days % 30; | |
$total_minutes -= $months * 24 * 60; | |
$total_hours = int($total_hours); | |
$total_days = int($total_days); | |
$runtime = sprintf("%d day(s): %d year(s), %d month(s), %d day(s), %d hour(s), %d minute(s)", $total_days, $years, $months, $days, $hours, $minutes); | |
return $runtime; | |
} | |
sub BuildPacketSid { | |
my $self = shift; | |
return sprintf("0x%08x",$self->{sid}); | |
} | |
sub BuildPacket { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my ($type, $params) = @_; | |
my @pkt_prefix_1; | |
my @pkt_prefix_2; | |
my $pkt_type; | |
my $json = JSON->new; | |
@pkt_prefix_1 = (0xff, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00); # (head_flag, version, reserved01, reserved02) | |
@pkt_prefix_2 = (0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); # (total_packets, cur_packet) | |
$pkt_type = $type; | |
#my $msgid = pack('c*', @$pkt_type); | |
my $msgid = pack('s', 0) . pack('s', $pkt_type); | |
my $pkt_prefix_data = pack('c*', @pkt_prefix_1) . pack('i', $self->{sid}) . pack('c*', @pkt_prefix_2). $msgid; | |
my $pkt_params_data = $json->encode($params); | |
my $pkt_data = $pkt_prefix_data . pack('i', length($pkt_params_data)) . $pkt_params_data; | |
$self->{lastcommand} = $params->{Name} . sprintf(" msgid = %d", $pkt_type); | |
return $pkt_data; | |
} | |
sub GetReplyHead { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $data; | |
my @reply_head_array; | |
# head_flag, version, reserved | |
$self->{socket}->recv($data, 4); | |
my @header = unpack('C*', $data); | |
my ($head_flag, $version, $reserved01, $reserved02) = (@header)[0,1,2,3]; | |
# int sid, int seq | |
$self->{socket}->recv($data, 8); | |
my ($sid,$seq) = unpack('i*', $data); | |
$reply_head_array[3] = (); | |
$self->{socket}->recv($data, 8); | |
my ($channel,$endflag,$msgid,$size) = unpack('CCSI', $data); | |
my $reply_head = { | |
Version => $version, | |
SessionID => $sid, | |
Sequence => $seq, | |
MessageId => $msgid, | |
Content_Length => $size, | |
}; | |
$self->{sequence} = $reply_head->{Sequence}; | |
printf("reply: head_flag=%x version=%d session=0x%x sequence=%d channel=%d end_flag=%d msgid=%d size = %d lastcommand = %s\n", $head_flag, $version, $sid, $seq, $channel, $end_flag, $msgid, $size, $self->{lastcommand}); | |
return $reply_head; | |
} | |
sub GetReplyData { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $reply = $_[0]; | |
my $length = $reply->{'Content_Length'}; | |
my $out; | |
for (my $downloaded=0; $downloaded < $length; $downloaded++) { | |
$self->{socket}->recv($data, 1); | |
$out .= $data; | |
} | |
return $out; | |
} | |
sub getSystemInfo { | |
my $self = shift; | |
if ($self->{SystemInfo} eq undef) { | |
$self->CmdSystemInfo(); | |
} | |
return $self->{SystemInfo}; | |
} | |
sub PrepareGenericCommandHead { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $msgid = $_[0]; | |
my $parameters = $_[1]; | |
my $data; | |
my $pkt = $parameters; | |
if ($msgid ne LOGIN_REQ2) { | |
$parameters->{SessionID} = $self->BuildPacketSid(); | |
} | |
my $cmd_data = $self->BuildPacket($msgid, $pkt); | |
$self->{socket}->send($cmd_data); | |
my $reply_head = $self->GetReplyHead(); | |
return $reply_head; | |
} | |
sub PrepareGenericCommand { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $msgid = $_[0]; | |
my $parameters = $_[1]; | |
my $reply_head = $self->PrepareGenericCommandHead($msgid, $parameters); | |
my $out = $self->GetReplyData($reply_head); | |
if ($msgid eq LOGIN_REQ2 and exists $reply_head->{SessionID}) { | |
$self->{sid} = hex($reply_head->{SessionID}); | |
} | |
if ($out) { | |
return decode_json($out); | |
} | |
return undef; | |
} | |
sub PrepareGenericDownloadCommand { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $msgid = $_[0]; | |
my $parameters = $_[1]; | |
my $file = $_[2]; | |
my $reply_head = $self->PrepareGenericCommandHead($msgid, $parameters); | |
my $out = $self->GetReplyData($reply_head); | |
open(OUT, ">$file"); | |
print OUT $out; | |
close(OUT); | |
return 1; | |
} | |
sub CmdLogin { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $data; | |
my $pkt = { | |
EncryptType => "MD5", | |
LoginType => "DVRIP-Web", | |
PassWord => $self->{password}, | |
UserName => $self->{user} | |
}; | |
print Dumper $pkt; | |
$reply_json = $self->PrepareGenericCommand(LOGIN_REQ2, $pkt); | |
$self->{GenericInfo} = $reply_json; | |
return $reply_json; | |
} | |
sub CmdSystemInfo { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'SystemInfo', | |
}; | |
my $systeminfo = $self->PrepareGenericCommand(SYSINFO_REQ, $pkt); | |
$self->{SystemInfo} = $systeminfo->{SystemInfo}; | |
return $systeminfo; | |
} | |
sub CmdAlarmInfo { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $parameters = $_[0]; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'AlarmInfo', | |
AlarmInfo => $parameters, | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericCommand(ALARM_REQ, $pkt); | |
} | |
sub CmdOPNetAlarm { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'OPNetAlarm', | |
NetAlarmInfo => { | |
Event => 0, | |
State => 1, | |
}, | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericCommand(NET_ALARM_REQ, $pkt); | |
} | |
sub CmdAlarmCenterMsg { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $data; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'NetAlarmCenter', | |
NetAlarmCenterMsg => { | |
Address => "0x0B0A060A", | |
Channel => 0, | |
Descrip => "", | |
Event => "MotionDetect", | |
SerialID => "003344236523", | |
StartTime => "2010-06-24 17:04:22", | |
Status => "Stop", | |
Type => "Alarm", | |
}, | |
}; | |
my $cmd_data = $self->BuildPacket(ALARMCENTER_MSG_REQ, $pkt); | |
$self->{socket}->send($cmd_data); | |
my $reply_head = $self->GetReplyHead(); | |
my $out = $self->GetReplyData($reply_head); | |
return decode_json($out); | |
} | |
sub CmdOPNetKeyboard { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $parameters = $_[0]; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'OPNetKeyboard', | |
OPNetKeyboard => $parameters, | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericCommand(NET_KEYBOARD_REQ, $pkt); | |
} | |
sub CmdUsers { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $pkt = { | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericCommand(USERS_GET, $pkt); | |
} | |
sub CmdGroups { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $pkt = { | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericCommand(GROUPS_GET, $pkt); | |
} | |
sub CmdStorageInfo { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'StorageInfo', | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericCommand(SYSINFO_REQ, $pkt); | |
} | |
sub CmdWorkState { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'WorkState', | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericCommand(SYSINFO_REQ, $pkt); | |
} | |
sub CmdSnap { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'OPSNAP', | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericCommand(NET_SNAP_REQ, $pkt); | |
} | |
sub CmdEmpty { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => '', | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericCommand(SYSINFO_REQ, $pkt); | |
} | |
sub CmdKeepAlive { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'KeepAlive', | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericCommand(KEEPALIVE_REQ, $pkt); | |
} | |
sub CmdOPMonitorClaim { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'OPMonitor', | |
SessionID => $self->BuildPacketSid(), | |
OPMonitor => { | |
Action => "Claim", | |
Parameter => { | |
Channel => 0, | |
CombinMode => "NONE", | |
StreamType => "Extra1", | |
TransMode => "TCP" | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
my $cmd_data = $self->BuildPacket(MONITOR_CLAIM, $pkt); | |
$self->{socket}->send($cmd_data); | |
my $reply = $self->GetReplyHead(); | |
for my $k (keys %{$reply}) { | |
print "rh = $k\n"; | |
} | |
my $out = $self->GetReplyData($reply); | |
my $out1 = decode_json($out); | |
# $self->{socket}->recv($data, 1); | |
return $out1; | |
} | |
sub CmdOPMonitorStop { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'OPMonitor', | |
SessionID => $self->BuildPacketSid(), | |
OPMonitor => { | |
Action => "Stop", | |
Parameter => { | |
Channel => 0, | |
CombinMode => "NONE", | |
StreamType => "Extra1", | |
TransMode => "TCP" | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
my $cmd_data = $self->BuildPacket(MONITOR_REQ, $pkt); | |
$self->{socket}->send($cmd_data); | |
my $reply = $self->GetReplyHead(); | |
for my $k (keys %{$reply}) { | |
print "rh = $k\n"; | |
} | |
my $out = $self->GetReplyData($reply); | |
my $out1 = decode_json($out); | |
# $self->{socket}->recv($data, 1); | |
return $out1; | |
} | |
sub CmdOPMonitorStart { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $data; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'OPMonitor', | |
SessionID => $self->BuildPacketSid(), | |
OPMonitor => { | |
Action => "Start", | |
Parameter => { | |
Channel => 0, | |
CombinMode => "NONE", | |
StreamType => "Extra1", | |
TransMode => "TCP" | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
my $cmd_data = $self->BuildPacket(MONITOR_REQ, $pkt); | |
$self->{socket}->send($cmd_data); | |
open(OUT, ">> ".$self->{sid}.".h264"); | |
$stop = 0; | |
while (defined( my $reply = $self->GetReplyHead()) and $stop == 0 ) { | |
if (sprintf("%x", $reply->{Data1}) ne "12ff") { | |
for my $k (keys %{$reply}) { | |
print "rh = $k\n"; | |
} | |
print "Content_Length = " . $reply->{Content_Length} . "\n"; | |
my $out = $self->GetReplyData($reply); | |
print OUT $out; | |
if ($reply->{Sequence} > 3) { | |
#$stop = 1; | |
$self->CmdKeepAlive(); | |
} | |
} else { | |
$stop = 1; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
close(OUT); | |
return $out1; | |
} | |
sub CmdOPTimeSetting { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $nortc = $_[0]; | |
my $data; | |
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(); | |
my $clock_cmd = 'OPTimeSetting'; | |
my $pkt_type = SYSMANAGER_REQ; | |
if ($nortc eq 1) { | |
$clock_cmd .= 'NoRTC'; | |
$pkt_type = SYNC_TIME_REQ; | |
} | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => $clock_cmd, | |
SessionID => $self->BuildPacketSid(), | |
"$clock_cmd" => sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec) | |
}; | |
my $cmd_data = $self->BuildPacket($pkt_type, $pkt); | |
$self->{socket}->send($cmd_data); | |
my $reply = $self->GetReplyHead(); | |
my $out = $self->GetReplyData($reply); | |
if ($out) { | |
return decode_json($out); | |
} | |
return undef; | |
} | |
#buggy | |
sub CmdSystemFunction { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'SystemFunction', | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericCommand(ABILITY_REQ, $pkt); | |
} | |
sub CmdOPFileQuery { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $parameters = $_[0]; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'OPFileQuery', | |
OPFileQuery => $parameters, | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericCommand(FILESEARCH_REQ, $pkt); | |
} | |
sub CmdOEMInfo { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'OEMInfo', | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericCommand(SYSINFO_REQ, $pkt); | |
} | |
sub CmdOPPlayBack { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $parameters = $_[0]; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'OPPlayBack', | |
OPPlayBack => $parameters, | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericCommand(PLAY_REQ, $pkt); | |
} | |
sub CmdOPLogQuery { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $parameters = $_[0]; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'OPLogQuery', | |
OPLogQuery => $parameters, | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericCommand(LOGSEARCH_REQ, $pkt); | |
} | |
sub LogExport { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $file = $_[0]; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => '', | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericDownloadCommand(LOG_EXPORT_REQ, $pkt, $file); | |
} | |
sub ConfigExport { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $file = $_[0]; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => '', | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericDownloadCommand(CONFIG_EXPORT_REQ, $pkt, $file); | |
} | |
sub CmdOPStorageManager { | |
my $self = shift; | |
my $data; | |
my $parameters = $_[0]; | |
my $pkt = { | |
Name => 'OPStorageManager', | |
'OPStorageManager' => $parameters, | |
SessionID => $self->BuildPacketSid(), | |
}; | |
return $self->PrepareGenericCommand(DISKMANAGER_REQ, $pkt); | |
} | |
package main; | |
use IO::Socket; | |
use IO::Socket::INET; | |
use Time::Local; | |
use Getopt::Long; | |
use Pod::Usage; | |
use Data::Dumper; | |
my $cfgFile = ""; | |
my $cfgUser = ""; | |
my $cfgPass = ""; | |
my $cfgHost = ""; | |
my $cfgPort = ""; | |
my $cfgCmd = undef; | |
my $help = 0; | |
my $result = GetOptions ( | |
"help|h" => \$help, | |
"outputfile|of|o=s" => \$cfgFile, | |
"user|u=s" => \$cfgUser, | |
"pass|p=s" => \$cfgPass, | |
"host|hst=s" => \$cfgHost, | |
"port|prt=s" => \$cfgPort, | |
"command|cmd|c=s" => \$cfgCmd, | |
); | |
pod2usage(1) if ($help); | |
if (!($cfgHost or $cfgPort or $cfgUser)) { | |
print STDERR "You must set user, host and port!\n"; | |
exit(0); | |
} | |
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( | |
PeerAddr => $cfgHost, | |
PeerPort => $cfgPort, | |
Proto => 'tcp', | |
Timeout => 10000, | |
Type => SOCK_STREAM, | |
Blocking => 1 | |
) or die "Error at line " . __LINE__. ": $!\n"; | |
print "Setting clock for: host = $cfgHost port = $cfgPort\n"; | |
my $dvr = IPcam->new(host => $cfgHost, port => $cfgPort, user => $cfgUser, password => $cfgPass, socket => $socket); | |
my $savePath = '/tmp'; | |
my $decoded = $dvr->CmdLogin(); | |
#Ret = 100 - login ok | |
#Ret = 205 - bad login | |
#Ret = 101 - ??? | |
$aliveInterval = $decoded->{'AliveInterval'}; | |
print sprintf("SessionID = 0x%08x\n",$dvr->{sid}); | |
print sprintf("AliveInterval = %d\n",$aliveInterval); | |
my $decoded = $dvr->CmdSystemInfo(); | |
print Dumper $dvr->{GenericInfo}; | |
print Dumper $dvr->getSystemInfo(); | |
print "System running:" . $dvr->getDeviceRuntime() ."\n"; | |
if ($cfgCmd eq "OPTimeSetting") { | |
$decoded = $dvr->CmdOPTimeSetting(1); | |
$decoded = $dvr->CmdOPTimeSetting(); | |
} elsif ($cfgCmd eq "Users") { | |
$decoded = $dvr->CmdUsers(); | |
} elsif ($cfgCmd eq "Groups") { | |
$decoded = $dvr->CmdGroups(); | |
} elsif ($cfgCmd eq "StorageInfo") { | |
$decoded = $dvr->CmdStorageInfo(); | |
} elsif ($cfgCmd eq "WorkState") { | |
$decoded = $dvr->CmdWorkState(); | |
} elsif ($cfgCmd eq "LogExport") { | |
$decoded = $dvr->LogExport($cfgFile); | |
} elsif ($cfgCmd eq "ConfigExport") { | |
$decoded = $dvr->ConfigExport($cfgFile); | |
} elsif ($cfgCmd eq "OEMInfo") { | |
$decoded = $dvr->CmdOEMInfo(); | |
} elsif ($cfgCmd eq "OPStorageManagerClear") { | |
$decoded = $dvr->CmdOPStorageManager({ | |
Action => "Clear", | |
PartNo => 0, | |
SerialNo => 0, | |
Type => "Data", | |
}); | |
} elsif ($cfgCmd eq "OPStorageManagerPartition") { | |
$decoded = $dvr->CmdOPStorageManager({ | |
Action => "Partition", | |
PartNo => 0, | |
PartitionSize => ( { "Record" => 853869 }, { "SnapShot" => 100000 } ), | |
SerialNo => 0 , | |
}); | |
} elsif ($cfgCmd eq "OPStorageManagerRecover") { | |
$decoded = $dvr->CmdOPStorageManager({ | |
Action => "Recover", | |
PartNo => 0, | |
SerialNo => 0, | |
}); | |
} elsif ($cfgCmd eq "OPStorageManagerRW") { | |
$decoded = $dvr->CmdOPStorageManager({ | |
Action => "SetType", | |
PartNo => 0, | |
SerialNo => 0, | |
Type => "ReadWrite", | |
}); | |
} elsif ($cfgCmd eq "OPStorageManagerRO") { | |
$decoded = $dvr->CmdOPStorageManager({ | |
Action => "SetType", | |
PartNo => 0, | |
SerialNo => 0, | |
Type => "ReadOnly", | |
}); | |
} | |
print Dumper $decoded; | |
#my $decoded = $dvr->CmdSystemFunction(); | |
#my $decoded = $dvr->CmdOPFileQuery({ | |
# BeginTime => "2016-07-01 22:00:00", | |
# EndTime => "2016-07-01 23:59:59", | |
# Channel => 1, | |
# # search all channels instead of single | |
# #HighChannel => 0, | |
# #LowChannel => 255, | |
# DriverTypeMask => "0x0000FFFF", | |
# Event => "*", # * - All; A - Alarm; M - Motion Detect; R - General; H - Manual; | |
# Type => "h264" #h264 or jpg | |
#}); | |
#my $decoded = $dvr->CmdOPPlayBack({ | |
# Action => "Claim", | |
# EndTime => '2015-05-04 17:59:24', | |
# StartTime => '2015-05-04 17:59:09', | |
# Parameter => { | |
# FileName => '/idea0/2015-05-04/002/17.59.09-17.59.24[M][@12480][0].h264', | |
# PlayMode => "ByName", | |
# TransMode => "TCP", | |
# Value => 0 | |
# } | |
#}); | |
my $decoded = $dvr->CmdAlarmInfo({ | |
Channel => 0, | |
Event => "VideoMotion", | |
StartTime => "2016-07-03 03:36:11", | |
Status => "Start" | |
}); | |
#my $decoded = $dvr->CmdOPNetAlarm(); #FIXME | |
#my $decoded = $dvr->CmdAlarmCenterMsg(); #FIXME | |
my $decoded = $dvr->CmdOPNetKeyboard({ | |
Status => "KeyUp", | |
Value => "0", | |
}); | |
#my $decoded = $dvr->CmdSnap(); #FIXME unsuppoted? | |
#my $decoded = $dvr->CmdOPLogQuery({ | |
# BeginTime => "2014-01-01 00:00:00", | |
# EndTime => "2016-06-29 00:00:00", | |
# LogPosition => 0, | |
# Type => "LogAll", | |
#}); | |
#my $pkt = { | |
# Name => '', | |
#}; | |
#my $decoded = $dvr->PrepareGenericDownloadCommand(IPcam::PHOTO_GET_REQ, $pkt, "out.dat"); | |
print Dumper $decoded; | |
$dvr->disconnect(); | |
__END__ | |
=head1 NAME | |
./dvr.pl - utility for working with nvr data | |
=head1 SYNOPSIS | |
./dvr.pl [options] | |
=head1 OPTIONS | |
=over 8 | |
=item B<-help> | |
Print a brief help message and exits. | |
=item B<-of> | |
Path to output file filename. | |
=item B<-u> | |
username | |
=item B<-p> | |
password | |
=item B<-host> | |
nvr hostname or ip address | |
=item B<-port> | |
nvr CMS port | |
=item B<-c> | |
nvr command: OPTimeSetting, Users, Groups, WorkState, StorageInfo, OEMInfo, LogExport, ConfigExport, OPStorageManagerClear | |
=back | |
=head1 DESCRIPTION | |
B<This program> can control the NVR. | |
=cut | |
This tool must use the same port that CMS software uses to connect NVR. Usually it can be seen at the NVR network settings. Also please make sure that NVR uses compatible protocol. This tool designed for the HiSilicon NVRs running SOFIA ui. The different vendors could use modified incompatible protocol.
I managed to get this script talking to my NVR device (https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B017DCMB22)
I used the following command line:
perl ipcam-clock-set.pl -u admin -p tlJwpbo6 -host -port 34567
The password in the above command is actually blank (an empty string) that has been hashed by some unknown algorithm. I captured it using Wireshark whilst logging in via the ActiveX based web client. I came across this paper which discusses some aspects of these NVR systems which I found quite interesting: http://www.i-1.nl/blog/wp-content/uploads/CCF-paper-Forensic-reliabilty-DVR.pdf
Here is the output of the command:
Setting clock for: host = port = 34567
reply: head_flag=ff version=1 session=0x48 sequence=0 channel=0 end_flag=0 msgid=1001 size = 128 lastcommand = msgid = 1000
SessionID = 0x00000072
AliveInterval = 21
reply: head_flag=ff version=1 session=0x72 sequence=0 channel=0 end_flag=0 msgid=1021 size = 594 lastcommand = SystemInfo msgid = 1020
$VAR1 = {
'SessionID' => '0x00000048',
'ChannelNum' => 4,
'ExtraChannel' => 0,
'Ret' => 100,
'AliveInterval' => 21,
'DeviceType ' => 'HVR'
$VAR1 = {
'UpdataType' => '0x00000000',
'HardWare' => 'NBD6904T-F',
'TalkInChannel' => 1,
'VideoInChannel' => 0,
'BuildTime' => '2015-12-16 10:26:08',
'EncryptVersion' => 'Unknown',
'HardWareVersion' => 'Unknown',
'VideoOutChannel' => 1,
'DeviceRunTime' => '0x0003F182',
'AlarmInChannel' => 0,
'TalkOutChannel' => 1,
'ExtraChannel' => 0,
'SerialNo' => '82be84624cc5e9bb',
'AlarmOutChannel' => 0,
'CombineSwitch' => 0,
'UpdataTime' => '',
'SoftWareVersion' => 'V4.02.R11.85100098.12001.130000.00000',
'DigChannel' => 4,
'AudioInChannel' => 0
System running:179 day(s): 0 year(s), 5 month(s), 29 day(s), 11 hour(s), 14 minute(s)
$VAR1 = {
'SessionID' => '0x72',
'SystemInfo' => {
'UpdataType' => '0x00000000',
'HardWare' => 'NBD6904T-F',
'TalkInChannel' => 1,
'VideoInChannel' => 0,
'BuildTime' => '2015-12-16 10:26:08',
'EncryptVersion' => 'Unknown',
'HardWareVersion' => 'Unknown',
'VideoOutChannel' => 1,
'DeviceRunTime' => '0x0003F182',
'AlarmInChannel' => 0,
'TalkOutChannel' => 1,
'ExtraChannel' => 0,
'SerialNo' => '82be84624cc5e9bb',
'AlarmOutChannel' => 0,
'CombineSwitch' => 0,
'UpdataTime' => '',
'SoftWareVersion' => 'V4.02.R11.85100098.12001.130000.00000',
'DigChannel' => 4,
'AudioInChannel' => 0
'Ret' => 100,
'Name' => 'SystemInfo'
reply: head_flag=ff version=1 session=0x72 sequence=0 channel=0 end_flag=0 msgid=0 size = 58 lastcommand = AlarmInfo msgid = 1504
reply: head_flag=ff version=1 session=0x72 sequence=0 channel=0 end_flag=0 msgid=1551 size = 71 lastcommand = OPNetKeyboard msgid = 1550
$VAR1 = {
'Name' => 'OPNetKeyboard',
'Ret' => 100,
'SessionID' => '0x00000072'
I'm impressed it managed to connect and talk to the device, I'm not sure what I want to do with it yet but it gives me a starting point.
Latest version at https://github.com/667bdrm/sofiactl supporting hash calculation by default, no needs to grab it by sniffer.
I am able to do similar things with the cms s/w. I don't know how it connects to the IP cam. I tried using all the open ports of the ip camera, and it is not working with this script. Does this control NVR or IP camera? what port no to use? with port 80, i see all values as 0, and rest of the ports are not connecting.