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Created November 11, 2010 16:03
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Save subtleGradient/672684 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
appify. Create the simplest possible mac app from a shell script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# url :
# version : 2.0.1
# name : appify
# description : Create the simplest possible mac app from a shell script.
# usage : cat | appify MyApp
# platform : Mac OS X
# author : Thomas Aylott <[email protected]>
if [[ -a "$" ]]; then
echo "App already exists :'(" >&2
echo "$PWD/$"
exit 1
mkdir -p "$"
touch "$$APPNAME"
chmod +x "$$APPNAME"
while read SCRIPT_SOURCE_LINE; do
echo "$PWD/$"
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Posting this here too:

“The application cannot be opened because it has an incorrect executable format”?
Try adding a #! shebang to

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New hello world example for appify 2.0

appify Howdy
say "Howdy"


open -a Howdy

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"You can't open the application Test because it is not supported on this type of Mac."
Same deal. Try adding a #! shebang line.

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Mathias, did you augment this for chrome execution with flags? would love to get that. :>

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appify v2.0.1 assumes has a newline at the end of the file. If not, it will chop off the last line, effectively breaking the generated app. I’ve fixed this in my fork of this gist, by replacing the while read loop with this:

until $DONE ;do
  read || DONE=true
  echo "$REPLY" >> "$$APPNAME"


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Updated to your 2.0.2!
Thanks Mathias!

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You could also add [[ ! $REPLY ]] && continue after line 25, which will cause all redundant newlines to be skipped. (See my fork.)

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Maybe it should just cp the file in there instead and avoid all these silly issues.

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Hey @subtleGradient, I just rewrote appify so it uses cp which avoids a lot of problems. Check it out:

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andreif commented Jun 6, 2015

It wouldn't work on OS X 10.10 until I added $ containing at least <plist><dict></dict></plist>

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phasstw commented Aug 9, 2016

I created an app, but it won't execute when I double-click on the bundle. It is just a #!/bin/sh script that has a echo "hello world" statement in it for testing purposes. Can someone give me some guidance on how to get my app to run from clicking on the bundle? Appify did not create a Info.plist file for me, maybe this is the issue? What needs to be in that file? Thanks!

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oubiwann commented Dec 9, 2016

I forked this and added option-parsing, overridable icons file, and some other bits:

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