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Last active September 30, 2024 01:33
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splunk - generate a list of HEC token strings from splunk cloud config

This SPL will generate a list of HEC token strings that you could copy pasta straight into an inputs.conf (although testing & validation is always wise).

Useful if you are trying to replicate Splunk Cloud HEC tokens to Heavy Forwarders.

Example output:

[<token title>]
description = <description, (if blank, title)>
disabled = 0
index = index_1
indexes = index_1,index_2
sourcetype = mysourcetype
token = xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
useACK = true
allowQueryStringAuth = false


| rest splunk_server=local /services/data/inputs/http
| fillnull value="" title description disabled index indexes sourcetype token
| fillnull value=0 useACK
| eval token_string = ""
| eval token_string = token_string + "[" + title + "]" + "|"
| eval token_string = token_string + "description = " + if(description=="", replace(title, "http:\/\/", ""), description) + "|"
| eval token_string = token_string + "disabled = " + disabled + "|"
| eval token_string = token_string + "index = " + index + "|"
| eval token_string = token_string + "indexes = " + mvjoin(indexes, ",") + "|"
| eval token_string = token_string + "sourcetype = " + sourcetype + "|"
| eval token_string = token_string + "token = " + token + "|"
| eval token_string = token_string + "useACK = " + if(useACK=0,"false","true") + "|"
| eval token_string = token_string + "allowQueryStringAuth = false"
| rex mode=sed field=token_string "s/\|/\n/g"
| table title token_string
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