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Guilherme 6uimorais

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6uimorais / _Self-Hosted-Kadira-APM-Docker-Compose
Last active January 29, 2022 16:34
Self Hosted Kadira APM - Docker Compose - Ubuntu

1 - Get an Ubuntu machine up and running (make sure ports 11011 and 4000 are open)

2 - Install docker + docker-compose (

3 - Get a docker-compose.yml with mongodb, kadira-ui, kadira-engine and kadira-rma (docker-compose.yml)

3 - Run "sudo docker-compose up" (-d if you want it running on background)

4 - Access http://machineIp:4000 and login as "[email protected]" and "admin" password

5 - Create your APP, get the ID and Secret

6 - Setup kadira in your app by code or settings.json (Config)

7 - Update your app from "free" plan to "paid" to get full access at Kadira ([Update App Plan](