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Last active May 2, 2017 22:19
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most frequencies router -- multiple severs

Instead of sending server responses back to the router, which could potentially create a bottleneck at the router, I had the router keep count of the available frequencies. When an allocate request passes through the router, the router decreases the server's available count; and when a deallocate request passes through the router, the router increases the server's available count (I didn't address the case where a client tries to deallocate a frequency it doesn't own). I also let the clients, which are running infinite loops, fail after I stop the router/servers.

In my code, a server is a triple {ServerPid, Freqs, AvailableCount}. For allocate requests, the router sorts the servers using lists:keysort() on the third term to get the server with the highest AvailableCount. For deallocate requests, the router finds the server corresponding to the frequency: if no servers correspond to the frequency, then the router sends the client an error message; otherwise the router sends a deallcoate request to the corresponding server.


%% Based on code from 
%%   Erlang Programming
%%   Francecso Cesarini and Simon Thompson
%%   O'Reilly, 2008
%%   (c) Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson

-export([server_init/1, router_init/1, router/1]).
-export([test/0, start_router/1]).
-export([client/2, test_init/0, test2/0]).

%%======== TESTS ============

test_init() ->
    spawn(fs, test2, []),

test2() ->
    Frequencies = [
        [10,11,12,13,14,15], %%The number of sublists in Frequencies
        [20,21,22,23,24,25], %%determines the number of servers that will
        [30,31,32],          %%be started.
    %%Frequencies = [ [], [] ],
    timer:sleep(1000), %Make sure the servers start before 
                       %sending them requests.
    Clients =
        lists:map(fun(ClientArgs) ->
                          spawn(fs, client, ClientArgs)
                  [[1,1000],[2,2000],[3,3000],[4,4000]] ), %%[Id,Sleep]
    io:format("Clients: ~w~n", [Clients]),

test() ->
    io:format("Client is (~w)~n", [self()]),
    Frequencies = [
    start_router(Frequencies),  %%The number of sublists in Frequencies
                                %%determines the number of servers that will
                                %%be started.

loop(0) ->
loop(N) ->
    io:format("Client (~w) got msg: ~w~n", [self(), allocate()]),

%%========== ROUTER ============

start_router(Frequencies) ->
    Router = spawn(fs, router_init, [Frequencies]),
    io:format("start_router: Router: ~w~n", [Router]),
    register(router, Router). %% spawn(fs, router_init, [Frequencies])).
router_init(Frequencies) -> %Frequencies = [ [1,2,3], [10,11] ].
    Servers =  %% A server is a tuple: {ServerPid, Freqs}
        lists:map(fun(Freqs) ->
                          spawn(fs, server_init, [{Freqs, []}] ),
                      }  %% => {ServerPid,Freqs}
                  Frequencies), %% e.g. [ [10,11,12], [20,21,22,23] ] 
    io:format("router_init: Servers: ~lp~n", [Servers]),
    router(Servers).  %% [FreshServers, StaleServers] => All the servers start off as 'Fresh'.

router(Servers) ->
        {request, Client, allocate}=Request ->
            case choose_server(Servers) of
                no_frequencies_available ->
                    Client ! {error, no_frequency},
                    io:format("router: all frequencies taken~n \t~lp~n client(~w) denied~n",
                              [Servers, Client]),
                {TargetServerPid, _Freqs, _Available}=TargetServer ->
                    io:format("router/allocate: TargetServer: ~w~n", [TargetServer]),
                    TargetServerPid ! Request,
                    io:format("router: sent allocate request to server (~w) from client (~w)~n", 
                              [TargetServer, Client]),
                    io:format("router/allocate: Servers ~lp~n", [Servers]),
                    AdjustedServers = adjust_freq_count(TargetServer, Servers, fun(X) -> X-1 end),
                    io:format("router/allocate: Adjusted Servers: ~lp~n", [AdjustedServers]),

        {request, Client, {deallocate,Freq}}=Request ->
            case find_server(Freq, Servers) of
                false        ->
                    io:format("router: no servers allocated frequency ~w~n", [Freq]),
                    Client ! {reply, ok}, 
                {TargetServerPid, _, _}=TargetServer ->
                    io:format("router/deallocate: TargetServer ~w~n", [TargetServer]),
                    TargetServerPid ! Request,
                    io:format("router: sent {deallocate,~w} request to server (~w) from client (~w)~n", 
                    io:format("router/deallocate: Servers ~lp~n", [Servers]),
                    %%Doesn't handle case where client tries to deallocate a freq it doesn't own:
                    AdjustedServers = adjust_freq_count(TargetServer, Servers, fun(X) -> X+1 end),
                    io:format("router/deallocate: Adjusted Servers: ~lp~n", [AdjustedServers]),
        {request, Client, stop} ->
            Client ! stopped

choose_server(Servers) ->
    SortedServers = lists:keysort(3, Servers),
    case lists:last(SortedServers) of
        {_ServerPid, _Freqs, 0} -> no_frequencies_available;
        Server                  -> Server
adjust_freq_count(TargetServer, Servers, AdjustmentFun) ->
    adjust_freq_count(TargetServer, Servers, AdjustmentFun, []).

adjust_freq_count(_, [], _, Acc) ->
adjust_freq_count(TargetServer, [TargetServer|Servers], AdjustmentFun, Acc)->
    {ServerPid,Freqs,Available} = TargetServer,
    AdjustedTarget = {ServerPid,Freqs,AdjustmentFun(Available)},
    adjust_freq_count(TargetServer, Servers, AdjustmentFun, [AdjustedTarget|Acc]);
adjust_freq_count(TargetServer, [Server|Servers], AdjustmentFun, Acc) ->
    adjust_freq_count(TargetServer, Servers, AdjustmentFun, [Server|Acc]).
find_server(_Freq, []) ->
find_server(Freq, [{_, Freqs, _}=Server|Servers]) ->
    case lists:member(Freq, Freqs) of
        false  -> find_server(Freq, Servers);
        true   -> Server

stop_servers([]) ->
stop_servers([ {ServerPid,_, _}=Server | Servers ]) ->
    ServerPid ! {request, self(), stop},
        {reply, _Reply} -> ok
    io:format("router: sent stop message to server ~w~n", [Server]),
%%========= CLIENT ==========

client(Id, Sleep) ->
    handle_allocate_response(allocate(), Id, Sleep).

handle_allocate_response({ok, Freq}, Id, Sleep) ->
    io:format("client~w(~w): got frequency ~w~n", 
              [Id, self(), Freq]),


    io:format("client~w(~w): called deallocate(~w)~n",
              [Id, self(), Freq]),

    client(Id, Sleep);
handle_allocate_response({error, no_frequency}, Id, Sleep) ->
    io:format("client~w(~w): no frequencies available~n",
              [Id, self()]),

    timer:sleep(500), %Wait small amount of time, then retry.
    client(Id, Sleep).

%%========  SERVER ================

start() ->
	     spawn(fs, server_init, [])).

server_init(Freqs) ->
    %%Frequencies = {get_frequencies(), []},

%% Hard Coded
%get_frequencies() -> [10,11,12,13,14,15].

%% The Main Loop

server_loop(Freqs) ->
        {request, Pid, allocate} ->
            {NewFreqs, Reply} = allocate(Freqs, Pid),
            Pid ! {reply, Reply},
            io:format("server(~w): Sent allocate reply to client(~w)~n",[self(),Pid]),
        {request, Pid , {deallocate, Freq}} ->
            NewFreqs = deallocate(Freqs, Freq),
            Pid ! {reply, ok},
        {request, Pid, stop} ->
            Pid ! {reply, stopped};
        Other ->
            io:format("server(~w): got Other message ~w~n", [self(), Other])     

%% Functional interface

allocate() -> 
    router ! {request, self(), allocate},
        {reply, Reply} -> Reply

deallocate(Freq) -> 
    router ! {request, self(), {deallocate, Freq}},
        {reply, Reply} -> Reply

stop() -> 
    router ! {request, self(), stop},
        {reply, Reply} -> Reply

%% The Internal Help Functions used to allocate and
%% deallocate frequencies.

allocate({[], Allocated}, _Pid) ->
    {{[], Allocated}, {error, no_frequency}};
allocate({[Freq|Free], Allocated}, Pid) ->
    {{Free, [{Freq, Pid}|Allocated]}, {ok, Freq}}.

deallocate({Free, Allocated}, Freq) ->
    NewAllocated=lists:keydelete(Freq, 1, Allocated),
    {[Freq|Free],  NewAllocated}.

In the shell:

$ ./
Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V6.4  (abort with ^G)

1> start_router: Router: <0.35.0>
router_init: Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],6},
Clients: [<0.40.0>,<0.41.0>,<0.42.0>,<0.43.0>]
router/allocate: TargetServer: {<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],6}
router: sent allocate request to server ({<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],6}) from client (<0.40.0>)
server(<0.37.0>): Sent allocate reply to client(<0.40.0>)
client1(<0.40.0>): got frequency 20
router/allocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],6},
router/allocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],6},
router/allocate: TargetServer: {<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],6}
router: sent allocate request to server ({<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],6}) from client (<0.41.0>)
server(<0.36.0>): Sent allocate reply to client(<0.41.0>)
client2(<0.41.0>): got frequency 10
router/allocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],6},
router/allocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],5},
router/allocate: TargetServer: {<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],5}
router: sent allocate request to server ({<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],5}) from client (<0.42.0>)
server(<0.37.0>): Sent allocate reply to client(<0.42.0>)
client3(<0.42.0>): got frequency 21
router/allocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],5},
router/allocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],5},
router/allocate: TargetServer: {<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],5}
router: sent allocate request to server ({<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],5}) from client (<0.43.0>)
server(<0.36.0>): Sent allocate reply to client(<0.43.0>)
client4(<0.43.0>): got frequency 11
router/allocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],5},
router/allocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/deallocate: TargetServer {<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],4}
router: sent {deallocate,20} request to server (<0.37.0>) from client (<0.40.0>)
client1(<0.40.0>): called deallocate(20)
router/deallocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/deallocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/allocate: TargetServer: {<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],5}
router: sent allocate request to server ({<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],5}) from client (<0.40.0>)
router/allocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/allocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
server(<0.37.0>): Sent allocate reply to client(<0.40.0>)
client1(<0.40.0>): got frequency 20
router/deallocate: TargetServer {<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4}
router: sent {deallocate,10} request to server (<0.36.0>) from client (<0.41.0>)
client2(<0.41.0>): called deallocate(10)
router/deallocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/deallocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],5},
router/allocate: TargetServer: {<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],5}
router: sent allocate request to server ({<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],5}) from client (<0.41.0>)
server(<0.36.0>): Sent allocate reply to client(<0.41.0>)
client2(<0.41.0>): got frequency 10
router/allocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],5},
router/allocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/deallocate: TargetServer {<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],4}
router: sent {deallocate,20} request to server (<0.37.0>) from client (<0.40.0>)
client1(<0.40.0>): called deallocate(20)
router/deallocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/deallocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/allocate: TargetServer: {<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],5}
router: sent allocate request to server ({<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],5}) from client (<0.40.0>)
server(<0.37.0>): Sent allocate reply to client(<0.40.0>)
client1(<0.40.0>): got frequency 20
router/allocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/allocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/deallocate: TargetServer {<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],4}
router: sent {deallocate,21} request to server (<0.37.0>) from client (<0.42.0>)
client3(<0.42.0>): called deallocate(21)
router/deallocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/deallocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/allocate: TargetServer: {<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],5}
router: sent allocate request to server ({<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],5}) from client (<0.42.0>)
router/allocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
server(<0.37.0>): Sent allocate reply to client(<0.42.0>)
client3(<0.42.0>): got frequency 21
router/allocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/deallocate: TargetServer {<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],4}
router: sent {deallocate,20} request to server (<0.37.0>) from client (<0.40.0>)
router/deallocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
client1(<0.40.0>): called deallocate(20)
router/deallocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/allocate: TargetServer: {<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],5}
router: sent allocate request to server ({<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],5}) from client (<0.40.0>)
server(<0.37.0>): Sent allocate reply to client(<0.40.0>)
router/allocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
client1(<0.40.0>): got frequency 20
router/allocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/deallocate: TargetServer {<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4}
router: sent {deallocate,11} request to server (<0.36.0>) from client (<0.43.0>)
client4(<0.43.0>): called deallocate(11)
router/deallocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/deallocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],5},
router/deallocate: TargetServer {<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],5}
router: sent {deallocate,10} request to server (<0.36.0>) from client (<0.41.0>)
client2(<0.41.0>): called deallocate(10)
router/deallocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],5},
router/deallocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],6},
router/allocate: TargetServer: {<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],6}
router: sent allocate request to server ({<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],6}) from client (<0.43.0>)
router/allocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],6},
router/allocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],5},
server(<0.36.0>): Sent allocate reply to client(<0.43.0>)
router/allocate: TargetServer: {<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],5}
client4(<0.43.0>): got frequency 10
router: sent allocate request to server ({<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],5}) from client (<0.41.0>)
router/allocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],5},
router/allocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
server(<0.36.0>): Sent allocate reply to client(<0.41.0>)
client2(<0.41.0>): got frequency 11
router/deallocate: TargetServer {<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],4}
router: sent {deallocate,20} request to server (<0.37.0>) from client (<0.40.0>)
client1(<0.40.0>): called deallocate(20)
router/deallocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/deallocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/allocate: TargetServer: {<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],5}
router: sent allocate request to server ({<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],5}) from client (<0.40.0>)
server(<0.37.0>): Sent allocate reply to client(<0.40.0>)
router/allocate: Servers [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
router/allocate: Adjusted Servers: [{<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4},
client1(<0.40.0>): got frequency 20
router: stop request: Client is: <0.34.0>
router: sent stop message to server {<0.36.0>,[10,11,12,13,14,15],4}
router: sent stop message to server {<0.37.0>,[20,21,22,23,24,25],4}
router: sent stop message to server {<0.38.0>,[30,31,32],3}
router: sent stop message to server {<0.39.0>,[40,41],2}

=ERROR REPORT==== 2-May-2017::16:15:38 ===
Error in process <0.40.0> with exit value: {badarg,[{fs,deallocate,1,[{file,"fs.erl"},{line,230}]},{fs,handle_allocate_response,3,[{file,"fs.erl"},{line,176}]}]}

=ERROR REPORT==== 2-May-2017::16:15:39 ===
Error in process <0.41.0> with exit value: {badarg,[{fs,deallocate,1,[{file,"fs.erl"},{line,230}]},{fs,handle_allocate_response,3,[{file,"fs.erl"},{line,176}]}]}

=ERROR REPORT==== 2-May-2017::16:15:39 ===
Error in process <0.42.0> with exit value: {badarg,[{fs,deallocate,1,[{file,"fs.erl"},{line,230}]},{fs,handle_allocate_response,3,[{file,"fs.erl"},{line,176}]}]}

=ERROR REPORT==== 2-May-2017::16:15:41 ===
Error in process <0.43.0> with exit value: {badarg,[{fs,deallocate,1,[{file,"fs.erl"},{line,230}]},{fs,handle_allocate_response,3,[{file,"fs.erl"},{line,176}]}]}

Pid                   Initial Call                          Heap     Reds Msgs
Registered            Current Function                     Stack              
<0.0.0>               otp_ring0:start/2                     1598     3249    0
init                  init:loop/1                              2              
<0.3.0>               erlang:apply/2                        6772   141890    0
erl_prim_loader       erl_prim_loader:loop/3                   6              
<0.6.0>               gen_event:init_it/6                   2586     2656    0
error_logger          gen_event:fetch_msg/5                    8              
<0.7.0>               erlang:apply/2                        1598      470    0
application_controlle gen_server:loop/6                        7              
<0.9.0>               application_master:init/4              376       44    0
                      application_master:main_loop/2           6              
<0.10.0>              application_master:start_it/4          233       69    0
                      application_master:loop_it/4             5              
<0.11.0>              supervisor:kernel/1                   2586    45786    0
kernel_sup            gen_server:loop/6                        9              
<0.12.0>              rpc:init/1                             233       35    0
rex                   gen_server:loop/6                        9              
<0.13.0>              global:init/1                          233       52    0
global_name_server    gen_server:loop/6                        9              
<0.14.0>              erlang:apply/2                         233       19    0
                      global:loop_the_locker/1                 5              
<0.15.0>              erlang:apply/2                         233        3    0
                      global:loop_the_registrar/0              2              
<0.16.0>              inet_db:init/1                         233      251    0
inet_db               gen_server:loop/6                        9              
<0.17.0>              global_group:init/1                    233       59    0
global_group          gen_server:loop/6                        9              
<0.18.0>              file_server:init/1                     233       92    0
file_server_2         gen_server:loop/6                        9              
<0.19.0>              erlang:apply/2                        1598    93480    0
code_server           code_server:loop/1                       3              
<0.20.0>              supervisor_bridge:standard_error/      233       41    0
standard_error_sup    gen_server:loop/6                        9              
<0.21.0>              erlang:apply/2                         233        9    0
standard_error        standard_error:server_loop/1             2              
<0.22.0>              supervisor_bridge:user_sup/1           233       60    0
                      gen_server:loop/6                        9              
<0.23.0>              user_drv:server/2                     1598     4754    0
user_drv              user_drv:server_loop/5                   8              
<0.24.0>              group:server/3                        2586    43050    0
user                  group:server_loop/3                      4              
<0.25.0>              group:server/3                        1598    11247    0
                      group:server_loop/3                      4              
<0.26.0>              erlang:apply/2                       17731     3764    0
                      shell:shell_rep/4                       17              
<0.27.0>              kernel_config:init/1                   233      286    0
                      gen_server:loop/6                        9              
<0.28.0>              supervisor:kernel/1                    233       58    0
kernel_safe_sup       gen_server:loop/6                        9              
<0.32.0>              erlang:apply/2                        1598    18232    0
                      c:pinfo/1                               50              
Total                                                      45254   369656    0

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